55 Questions 282 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Sikandar Hayat Khan
Yes, i read some data on google about these terms but not yet completely clear about this. Can some one help me understand what these terms are in simple language and how they are to be...
15 February 2019 8,303 5 View
While commonly use for beautification, but searching internet one can finds many side effects but still the market is growing fast. As i interpret it is Botulinum toxin used to reduce fine lines...
05 February 2019 1,045 31 View
a term"phytochemicals" is used for various food products. I am not sure what these compounds are and why and how they are useful? And if they are useful, which diets have them?
25 December 2018 596 41 View
The world is changing fast and lot many biotechnologies are now being routinely utilized by medical professionals in all domains. However, they do not have a formal training in this regard....
27 November 2018 696 21 View
While both glcometer & lab glucose measuring technologies use different methodologies and sample. Still from physician to medic compare their results. What do you trust more & for what...
26 November 2018 5,224 6 View
Calibration of any electronic device is a mandatory step in achieving the desirable outcome. What do you say that your healthcare settings routinely calibrate their equipment to ensure patient...
19 November 2018 4,613 8 View
Different kinds of green tea is now filling the shelves in marts. Everyone on the street will tell you something about the utility of this type or that type. Is it so insane or magic thing for...
18 November 2018 4,589 50 View
Magnesium as salts are being used in multiple diseases and sometimes being prescribed as just a supplement. There could be some side effects of over use of this nutrient and definitely issues...
23 October 2018 9,926 64 View
I believe we are spreading more infection and antibiotic resistance if we are taking/wearing our white coats (the trade mark of ant medic) outside hospital. Should we do that? Are we not spreading...
20 October 2018 9,379 14 View
This question is about writing a mini review where i want to add a schematic from some article after appropriate referencing.Can i do that?
15 September 2018 10,057 4 View
The effects of vitamin D are multiple & literature review indicates vitamin D almost being associated with many metabolic & non-metabolic disorders. Even someone told me that low vitamin D...
24 August 2018 1,796 22 View
A1c is now routinely recommended for diagnosis of diabetes mellitus. However, I feel A1c variation owes a lot to patient & technology specific factors. So can u generally share our experience...
21 August 2018 4,070 2 View
Insulin resistance is considered as an important contributor, if not he sole cause of PCOS. But i believe there must be other tangible factors which cause insulin resistance. There are features of...
20 August 2018 6,855 4 View
There seems to be alarming increase in type-2 diabetes in subcontinent. Can we have the possible attributives to this possible incoming menace?
11 August 2018 7,658 14 View
Apart from amplification requirements being mandatory for NGS, what are the other differences or advantages third generation sequencers like Oxford nanopore and PacBio provides? Which one is more...
07 August 2018 6,058 3 View
While in general we desire to have higher coverage, implying higher read lengths in DNA seq to locate to cover the complete region on the DNA or to have overlap between read lengths. (Correct me...
03 August 2018 1,543 7 View
Fasting hyperglycemia and diabetes mellitus; In clinical laboratory practice I had seen so many cases of type-II diabetes mellitus who gets a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus based upon raised...
28 July 2018 4,046 3 View
I was reviewing data glycted haemoglobin in patients with type-2 diabetes. Some patients seem to respond excellent metformin but some just do not did well. Yes i confirmed associated life style...
25 June 2018 429 15 View
Good day i was wondering if there are like 1000 variables, can we add them in SPSS? Any web link or youtube video someone can refer me? Regards
17 June 2018 277 3 View
According to common soil hypothesis metabolic diseases are associated with each other due to underlying insulin resistance. What is your take on that?
01 January 1970 5,552 20 View
While I, most of the life have been using is SPSS, I wonder is there any other software which can be used by people who are non-statisticians What software do you suggest?
01 January 1970 1,543 27 View
Is there a way to calculate personal impact factor of an author/researcher?
01 January 1970 9,717 10 View
While we started with PCR to sanger seq to now in vogue NGS. But now heard of single molecule sequencing. Can someone commet on this type. Anything is welcome on this topic Regatds
01 January 1970 7,655 7 View
Diabetes, especially type-2 diabetes mellitus is fast evolving as a major source of mortality and morbidity. What do you want to say to avoid this present era curse in our society?
01 January 1970 6,884 24 View
Are you invited to write an editorial for a journal? OR you can submit one of your own to the journal you want to submit.Anybody who guide me here
01 January 1970 7,712 2 View
While patient satisfaction parameters are multiple, but still it is important to learn what is the most disturbing thing to a patient once he enters into a medical facility
01 January 1970 9,668 16 View
Reference: https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/908396?src=wnl_edit_tpal&uac=104521MY&impID=1873365&faf=1 According to Medscape: " Women who eat fried chicken every day may be 13...
01 January 1970 1,320 11 View
Dear ALL Some people using aspirin as loprin or other coated formulations with underlying ASCVD(Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease) still end up having accelerated atherosclerotic diseases....
01 January 1970 848 4 View
Glycemic index probably provides us with an idea abort how much a food raises our sugar level. Can we a rough estimate of glycemic index of the food which we eat. I s there any simple way to do that?
01 January 1970 1,191 9 View
Not sure whether the question is right or wrong but just wondering opinions once faced with odds, how to behave
01 January 1970 8,621 38 View
If YES, then how? And to what limits we should be utilizing these gadgets. Whatsapp post shows a lot of damage to brain and other body organs. Definitely there are some radiation. Are there any...
01 January 1970 5,188 23 View
Optimal healthcare coverage is highly dependent upon medical and paramedical human resource. While multiple surveys do demonstrate some statistics on that as targeting differently by different...
01 January 1970 8,780 13 View
While for sometime now we had been hearing about polyunsaturated as good fats and saturated as bad ones: please correct me for this if i am wrong now we have varieties within unsaturated fatty...
01 January 1970 8,896 14 View
Each year flu takes many of us on to cause sickness, loss of technical man hours and sometimes mortality in the older and younger. The viruses change every year and i am not sure the vaccine...
01 January 1970 7,641 17 View
Chinese claim editing genes of 2 babies to make them resistant to HIV. "World Health Organization (WHO) is creating a global panel to study human gene editing and the scientific, legal, social,...
01 January 1970 8,469 18 View
Ref: https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/908161?nlid=127396_2201&src=WNL_mdplsnews_190125_mscpedit_honc&uac=104521MY&spon=7&impID=1868713&faf=1 Medscape " A review of the...
01 January 1970 5,125 5 View
Ref: https://www.news-medical.net/news/20190124/Training-heart-cells-in-culture-to-mimic-human-cardiac-tissue.aspx New research says that fever help immune response to boost by allowing more...
01 January 1970 7,937 37 View
Its been time that sub-classes of both LDL and HDL are there and some even market them. Can you offer your comments on this style of testing of lipids/cholesterol or the traditional markers are...
01 January 1970 7,360 24 View
The first person who reach the site of trauma, or to see a heart attack patient or everybody living with a possibility of facing a major disaster anywhere and anytime is inevitable. Poor primary...
01 January 1970 4,159 37 View
Dear ALL I just need your experiences, evidence if any to support or refute regarding the possible link between raised uric acid levels and intelligence.
01 January 1970 7,782 8 View
There are so many vitamin supplements and other drugs which many countries you can get without medic’s prescription. What are your suggestions on this topic? Many medication if used long-term can...
01 January 1970 9,303 16 View
Over the years most studies have found that the smaller LDL particle size are considered to more atherogenic and can cause more CVD than large LDL particle sizes. Moreover, subcontinental...
01 January 1970 8,627 25 View
ASCEND trial from UK has found no benefit of aspirin preventing heart attacks or stroke in their 7.4 years long placebo-control trials? what is your say?
01 January 1970 9,247 24 View
Excessive blood cholesterol implies a future risk for atherosclerotic thromoeboembolic risk diseases like heart attack and stroke and exacerbate problems related to hypertension and diabetes....
01 January 1970 4,100 10 View
Reference: https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/909395?src=wnl_edit_tpal&uac=104521MY&impID=1891813&faf=1 DIET DRINKS are being more and more preferred over energy drinks with the...
01 January 1970 2,071 4 View
Does b12 deficiency cause heart diseases? Regards
01 January 1970 5,008 20 View
Ref: https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/906881?nlid=126850_2049&src=WNL_mdplsnews_181228_mscpedit_imed&uac=104521MY&spon=18&impID=1846364&faf=1 Obesity is the plague of...
01 January 1970 4,191 18 View
Ref: https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/diabetes Diabetes, as I interpret is one the leading causes of mortality and morbidity across the globe. While awareness does exist but still...
01 January 1970 8,190 40 View
A new study has tried to assess the genetic variants among mosquitoes that make them more susceptible to spreading deadly viral diseases such as dengue, yellow fever, Zika and chikungunya and more...
01 January 1970 6,556 23 View
Starting from personal & patient safety issues within hospital in terms of widespread emergence sntimicrobial infections, infections affecting the hospital staff to now acquiring a community...
01 January 1970 5,108 7 View
Some people are unable to sleep saying that its too difficult to sleep. End up using sleeping pills and may be a little dependency. However, in practical life they behave normally. Can insomnia...
01 January 1970 908 41 View
I believe exercise is the best health tonic, which is just available to everybody and mostly everywhere. No medic needed, cost effective.
01 January 1970 2,732 26 View
Statins though routinely be used, but are having multiple side effects with trademark "muscle aches". While that is probably known for statins but new PCSK9 inhibitors may not be that innocent, I...
01 January 1970 8,434 5 View
Biotechnology is fast revolutionizing, changing and becoming miniaturized by every single second. Do you agree we will see such a boom in biotechnology inn next few years
01 January 1970 5,690 9 View
Gestational diabetes mellitus is type of diabetes first detected or appearing during pregnancy. Different criteria over the years have appeared to diagnose this condition. Can you share your...
01 January 1970 3,373 33 View