While both glcometer & lab glucose measuring technologies use different methodologies and sample. Still from physician to medic compare their results. What do you trust more & for what reasons?
Preliminary we must consider the differences between methodology and Signal Detection System: all methodologies used for glucose measuring are enzymatic in both laboratory chemistry analyzers and hemoglucometers: glucose-oxidase; glucose dehydrogenase; hexokinase. The detection signal can be colorimetric (analyzers and some glucometers) or reflectometric (some glucometers). So, there are no reasons to think that, with the same enzymatic system/signal detection, there may be differences in glucose measurement. For these reasons, there are no differences between results methodological dependent. On the contrary, small differences are between different enzymatic systems. However, numerous are the reasons to trust the lab results from lab analyzers more than those of the hemoglucometers:
1. In the clinical laboratory, the analytical quality of each measurement is assured by periodic calibrations using reference standards and by daily controls of the accuracy and precision using control sera. In cases of deviations of control values, all results are discarded and repeated. Glucometers are standardized “una tantum” by the manufacturer and do not use control sera
2. The values of the hematocrit can influence some glucometer (not the lab results)
3. Glucometers are used by not skilled operators who can’t notice or understand any malfunction
If you regularly check your blood sugar, you probably assume that your glucose metergives you accurate readings every time. ... To compare a lab result with a home test you must convert the lab result into its whole blood ..
Very well said informations and descriptions offered by Dr Antonio La Gioia. It is very important to employ calibration and use quality assurance system to check the validity (accuracy + precision ) of the results obtained by these methods
Article A Glucose Meter Accuracy and Precision Comparison: The FreeS...
Sharma, S. P., Anjankar, A. P., & Kale, A. (2017). Comparison of glucose levels using glucometer and GOD-POD Method in diabetic patients. International journal of clinical Biochemistry and research, 4(1), 6-10. https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/f110/5c98c08f4e19fd638207d60acb632de3e86a.pdf