53 Questions 34 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Kamesh Krishnamoorthy
If i want to test a particular compound/metabolite on my yeast strains ( which have been transformed with the desired disease plasmid and shows the phenotype) . Then what is the method that I...
07 July 2018 3,167 0 View
Which is a better one to suspend extracted DNA? TE buffer or ultrapure water?
06 June 2018 3,927 4 View
IS CTAB buffer method of DNA extraction suitable for extracting insect DNA?
06 June 2018 8,059 2 View
In what way does preheating of CTAB buffer prior to DNA extraction from leaf tissues improve the efficacy of DNA extraction or DNA recovery
06 June 2018 3,689 4 View
Can a leaf tissue be suspended in CTAB buffer until its DNA extraction? like for example if i go to a field and collect the leaf tissue and suspend the leaf tissues in CTAB in an eppendorf tube...
06 June 2018 1,695 1 View
my 100 bp and 1kb ladder are not separating properly in gel inspite of providing the optimum agarose concentration, voltage and running time. the individual size bands dont spatially separate...
06 June 2018 1,160 0 View
In plant pathology experiments generally disease severity measured in terms of grades of affected leaf area in relation to time is used for plotting the area under the disease progress...
06 June 2018 8,042 0 View
I have cloned my virus in puc 18 vector. Right now Iam maintaining the clones by repeated subculture on lb medium amended with ampicillin. Is it possible to maintain the clones in glycerol...
05 May 2018 3,580 2 View
Is it possible to make a readymix of PCR reaction cocktail involving components like water, dntps, taq polymerase etc. and keep it under long term storage for future use or should we use the mix...
04 April 2018 9,915 3 View
plants like paddy dont suffer from manganese deficiency since they are grown in flooded soils? what is the reason for the increased availability of manganese in flooded soils?
04 April 2018 1,603 3 View
Suppose an insect is dry and dessicated post it's death. For how long will the insect dna be stable for DNA extraction?
03 March 2018 3,196 2 View
Can we store DNA (diluted with sterile distilled water of milliq water) at minus 80 degree celsius ?
03 March 2018 10,082 9 View
how far is CTAB method successful in extraction of whitefly DNA?
03 March 2018 2,013 0 View
Is liquid nitrogen to be compulsorily used for extraction plant DNA viruses from leaf tissues or thorough and fine grinding with the extraction buffer is enough?
02 February 2018 1,688 4 View
Sequencing of plant transcriptomes often gives rise to additional sequences called virus like RNA assemblies corresponding to genomic RNAs of viruses infecting these host plants. How the plants...
02 February 2018 2,533 1 View
Generally insects like whiteflies collected for DNA extraction are stored in ethanol. Does ethanol act as a preservant. Does it help in maintaining the integrity of the insect DNA. How long till...
02 February 2018 8,370 2 View
During a gel electrophoresis run what is the reason for the bands to appear rippled or wavy sometimes?
01 January 2018 9,748 2 View
I came across a term like "non canonical translation in RNA viruses". What does the term canonical mean?...even though after a dictionary search I havent got a satisfied answer. Does the word...
01 January 2018 284 4 View
During an ELISA test for plant virus, if the quantity of antiserum and conjugate is less, is it possible to dilute the antiserum and conjugate with water (ultrapure/milliq)?
01 January 2018 1,316 4 View
when ampicillin powder is dissolved in water , the powder particles first stick together like a gum and then dissolve slowly unlike sodium chloride which dissolves unformy by fairly mixing in the...
01 January 2018 1,728 1 View
Should 3M sodium acetetate prepared for molecular cloning be stored under refrigerated conditions? what is the reason if so?
01 January 2018 2,683 3 View
yellow sticky trap is used in field to attract insects by their colour due to which insects stick on them. I came across about the blue sticky trap. What is the difference in function of a yellow...
01 January 2018 5,399 4 View
Is there any term such as dominant and codominant marker in relation to a PCR primer
12 December 2017 4,605 4 View
From where can I obtain the list of journals provided with impact factor by thomson reuters as a donloadable file or simply online view. I tried it from thomson reuter website. However the website...
12 December 2017 5,739 7 View
The general recommended storage temperature for molecular enzymes like taq polymerase, phi 29 DNA polymerase and pyrophosphatase are mentioned as minus 20 degree in the cover. Suppose if they are...
12 December 2017 7,023 6 View
In the lysis buffer prepared for the extraction of whiteflies proteinase K is added. Is there any susbstitute for proteinase K?
12 December 2017 7,724 3 View
Can molecular biology vectors like puc 18 or pGEMT be stored at minus 80 degree?
12 December 2017 5,188 3 View
In a hemibiotrophic lifestyle a biotroph evolved into a necrotroph. While the evolution the nutritional pattern also changes from obligate (only on host plant) to a condition where it can grow on...
11 November 2017 5,869 0 View
Often due to phenolic content in the plant, the DNA pellet which is extracted turns brown in colour. how to prevent the browning.
10 October 2017 9,628 1 View
What is the maximum amount of double distilled water or any other material used for diluting DNA pellet can be used? I generally use 40 micro litre to dilute my extracted DNA pellet. what is the...
10 October 2017 5,673 3 View
Why are whiteflies present more abundantly on the undersurface of leaves. especially i have observed this on pulse plants. what is the specific reason for this
10 October 2017 9,203 2 View
I came across a literature in which it was stated that resistance of a plant to a plant virus achieved by genetic engineering or by conventional introduction of mendelian genes can be overcome by...
10 October 2017 7,106 1 View
Anyone with a work on induced systemic resistance generated against plant viruses. need some insight on this
10 October 2017 4,048 1 View
post DNA extraction does a DNA pellet which is more diluted with double distilled water has better chance of being visible as a band in a gel?
10 October 2017 6,198 0 View
I came across two primers for the amplification of gene of interest in begomovirus viz., rojas primer and deng primer. what is the difference between the primers
08 August 2017 7,436 3 View
Whiteflies are mostly found in the early morning and evening hours when the sunlight intensity becomes very less. what is the specific reason for this. Is sunlight detrimental for them
08 August 2017 1,484 0 View
Why we used Φ29 DNA polymerase in rolling circle amplification instead of the Taq polymerase used in the general PCR reaction. any specific function of this polymerase with respect to rolling...
06 June 2017 4,106 3 View
Why is tobacco rattle virus a choice in agroinfection. In spite of the virus being of bipartite RNA nature the gene of interest is introduced only in one of the RNA before agroinfection. why so?
06 June 2017 356 1 View
Since any heritable process requires the information coded in the DNA of the organism, are epigenetic process of fungi heritable since epigentic process is independent of DNA sequence
06 June 2017 6,469 2 View
I need a lucid protocol for the agroinoculation of geminivirus of bipartite nature which includes preparing dimeric constructs of DNA A and DNA B, triparental mating etc.
06 June 2017 9,361 2 View
What is the specific purpose of adding GC clamp to the forward primer in a denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis experiment. Is it due to the denaturing nature of the gel which may lead the dna...
03 March 2017 8,068 2 View
Is there any method to distinguish between pathogenic and non pathogenic E coli strains grown on a plate using their cultural characters?
02 February 2017 1,484 5 View
According to metagenomics, DNA is extracted from a mixture of microbial community in soil, cloned into a vector and later on a metagenomic library is constructed. the ability of the community to...
02 February 2017 442 5 View
I have a basic doubt in molecular biology. Since iam not from a molecular biology background I have this kind of a doubt. As we know there are a total of 46 chromosomes in human and each...
10 October 2016 8,635 5 View
How can be CRISPR Cas 9 technology applied to manage insect teansmitted plant pathogens with special reference to insect transmitted plant virus? Literatures or previous work done on the above...
09 September 2016 2,521 3 View
I need some literature on historical and modern aspects of biocontrol by actinobacteria which may pertain to pre and post genomic era.
08 August 2016 7,311 6 View
Is there any special protocol for DNA extraction from soil(For extracting DNA of soil pathogens adhered to root or free living in soil) or is it the same like CTAB method? If any effective methods...
07 July 2016 6,824 8 View
Any ongoing research work on the use of mycoviruses in India for the biocontrol of plant pathogens?
06 June 2016 987 4 View
In a protein extraction, after the tissue grinding,suspension in TCA and centrifugation the pellet is obtained which is lyophilized to remove any traces of acetone. however in areas where a...
06 June 2016 4,920 4 View
I have heard of bumble bees being used as delivery agents of trichoderma. Iam interested in knowing more about this. Need literatures pertaining to the same.
06 June 2016 8,052 5 View
After DNA extraction using CTAB method the dna is diluted generally in nuclease free water or TE buffer. Of the two components ie., nuclease free water and TE buffer which is better to be diluted...
04 April 2016 8,778 3 View
After completion of CTAB method of DNA extraction and completing the final step of ethanol wash the DNA is left for drying. Since air drying takes a longer time, it is suggested to keep the...
04 April 2016 8,410 11 View
vegetative compatibility test of a fungus helps to identify nit mutants which are later subjected to complementation tests. what is the utility of complementation tests?
03 March 2016 7,337 4 View