15 December 2016 3 2K Report


I needed to prepare water saturated phenol for RNA extraction. I did as following: liquefy crystal phenol at 60oC, then add 100ml of liquefied phenol to beaker and followed by adding equal volume of DEPC-treated water, and mixed it by stir-bar. After waiting about 40min, I see three layers, the lowest is transparent, the more upper (middle) is milky, and the higest is transparent. I pipetted off two the uppers and repeated with second adding of equal volume of the lowest. After mixing and wating about 40 min, I could not see phenol phase. What did I do wrongly ? I think crystal phenol is in good condition.

One more, the water saturated phenol will used for RNA extraction. I did not treat container with DEPC , just autoclaved them. Is it safe for RNA working ?

P/S: I am a beginner, and poor for taking such experiment!

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