Histochemical localization of immunoreactive substances using labeled antibodies as reagents. | Contact experts in Immunohistochemistry to get answers
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Questions related to Immunohistochemistry
So, basically I would like to analyze the entire Hippocampus concerning the number of cells showing a certain stain. However, with the magnification I need to differentiate between the cells, the...
24 July 2020 518 2 View
I accidentally left my tissue (mouse pancreas/duodenum/lung/spleen) in PFA overnight instead of 30% sucrose. Typically, I fix the tissue in 4% PFA for 45-60 minutes and then 30% sucrose O/N. I...
07 July 2020 4,222 0 View
Dear all, we re having trouble getting to work out cfos immunohistochemistry in the spinal cord. We do not get any specific labeling and have lots of autofluorescence in the tissue. We perfuse...
01 July 2020 1,930 5 View
I am working with rabbit spleen and as it is difficult to obtain antibodies against rabbits as most of them are raised in rabbits. I had to purchase a few antibodies raised in rabbits. But as...
18 June 2020 4,074 8 View
I want to know how to look/analyze different parts in a tumor section like stroma, Ductal epithelial, epithelial lining, luminal epithelial etc etc in a breast cancer tissue slide. Also is there...
03 June 2020 5,220 3 View
Hello! I am looking for good antibodies that help in clearly distinguish between D1- and D2-type medium spiny neurons (MSNs) in the striatum, by immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescent...
01 June 2020 5,155 3 View
Any Immunohistochemistry markers?? Thanks in advance.
31 May 2020 6,384 10 View
Hi! I'm analyzing some TMA IHC cores using an scoring method that combines intensity and proportion of stained cells. I would like to know if is there any protocol to quantify percentage of DAB...
26 April 2020 626 2 View
When I am planning my experiment I would like to check both the c Fos level and p ERK level. But on literature review, I found that c fos and p ERK is determined by immunohistochemistry but the c...
18 March 2020 2,107 3 View
I need to fix the Adipose tissue from Mice for IHC. I am looking for a good protocol to follow.
09 March 2020 8,497 3 View
Hi. I am doing immunohistochemistry staining on mice tissue. We perfuse the mice and place the brain in 4% PFA O/N then switch to 48hr in 30% sucrose (or until the brain sinks). However I am...
05 March 2020 2,848 9 View
Does anyone have protocol recommendations for freezing/storing human uterine tissues? I have seen some protocols that place tissues directly in LN2 and then transfer to -80 for long term storage....
03 March 2020 3,460 2 View
I have spleen samples from infected mice which are currently frozen in OCT. Ultaimtely I would like to use immunohistochemistry to image spleen slices and see the ROS within different...
28 February 2020 4,552 3 View
Hello, I saw in some papers that this article was cited and I want to reach it, but I could not find it anywhere. Here is the citation I saw: Miyazawa T, Iino Y, Murakami Y, Ishii T (2000)...
21 February 2020 5,449 3 View
CST and DBS PD-L1 is not working for me. Can any one suggest a better option?
30 January 2020 8,414 10 View
I inherited a staining protocol from another lab. It specifically says not to swirl the ABC mixture, but instead to let it sit for 30 minutes before adding the tissue. It does not specify if the...
27 January 2020 5,964 2 View
Hello everyone, Recently, I have bought one of the biolegend company products named “Purified anti-human CD56 (NCAM), Clone: MEM-188”, and realized this product is validated for...
27 January 2020 3,872 3 View
I would be glad if you help to me.
22 January 2020 6,424 2 View
I have human eye cryosections that I performed immunohistochemistry on . The issue I'm having is visualizing my antibodies in the retinal pigment epithelium layer because it has an...
20 January 2020 4,306 3 View
Hi, (a) I am trying to analyze histological scores of more than 3 groups, each having 6 animals. Which statistical tool is the appropriate one? I checked normality which appears to be of mixed...
17 January 2020 4,774 3 View
Dear colleagues I am planning to use anti-caspase 3 active in frozen brains. Have you performed that? Because I only find when tissues are paraffin-embedded. i will appreciate your answer and...
17 January 2020 5,818 2 View
Hi everyone, In case that, it is difficult to get animal serum from commercial vendors. Have you ever tried to collect animal serum to be used for blocking in immunohistochemistry ? If so do we...
05 January 2020 3,802 5 View
Hello - I have been attempting to macrophages via IF with F4/80 in OCT-embedded mouse skeletal muscle using Thermo Rat Anti-Mouse monoclonal Ab (Cat# MF48000) with little success. I have been...
21 December 2019 4,946 3 View
We are processing clinical samples of bone marrow smears, and have encountered autofluorescence that makes subsequent FISH and IHC virtually impossible. The problems are: 1. the samples are of...
19 December 2019 4,825 4 View