Colloids with a solid continuous phase and liquid as the dispersed phase; gels may be unstable when, due to temperature or other cause, the solid... | Contact experts in Gels to get answers
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Questions related to Gels
Hello everyone, I am new in the field of PCR-RFLP and I am planning to use it for clustering yeast isolates. I am using HaeIII, HhaI and HinfIII to digest the ITS region and using GelAnalyzer...
30 October 2020 2,341 2 View
So I performed transformation on BL21 cells and then used those colonies to perform colony PCR. However results on the gel are just coming up as long smears. I did it twice , with the same...
26 October 2020 6,874 5 View
Hi all, I am having trouble with collagen type I as a scaffold for cells. I have a 3mg/mL collagen I solution with pH = 2. I am neutralizing with 1 M NaOH to pH ~7, then mixing with ice cold...
23 October 2020 8,601 3 View
I have found in a paper that the bulk modulus for Alginate gel is higher compared to micron size (approx. 50 um) beads measured with AFM for the same concentration. I am not sure what factor is...
16 October 2020 3,247 6 View
Hello everyone, I want to find out how the co-culture of two anaerobic bacteria influences each other in order to find competition and cross-feeding relations between them. My first approach is...
15 October 2020 352 1 View
Hi ! I am starting my PhD studying the interractions between macrophages and the tumoral extracellular matrix and I am trying to design an experiment to assess the effect of the stiffness of the...
12 October 2020 950 1 View
I am doing an electrophoresis using a Tris-Acetate gel and the vendor offers a 1.0 mm and 1.5 mm thick gels. I just want some insight on the advantages. Thank you
08 October 2020 3,409 2 View
Would some one propose an effective method to measure the diffusion coefficient of a transparent solution in a transparent gel (agarose)? Thank you in advance.
06 October 2020 3,027 3 View
Hi, everyone! I am really confused. From yesterday, my stack gel of BN-PAGE never polymerize. However, the same materials I used for making the running gels, which polymerize normally. I was...
03 October 2020 3,375 1 View
Both my marker and protein are stacking but they are not going through the stacking gel into the separating gel. Please help. My stacking gel concentration is 4% while the separating gel...
28 September 2020 8,249 2 View
Hi, everyone. I will want to know how to measure the thickness of bacterial cell wall after fixing with paraformaldehyde, did you perform this experiment? Any information provided, i would be very...
15 September 2020 6,685 2 View
Hello and good morning to all of you, hope you all will be fine, i have a question regarding gel electrophorosis, i was using SDS-PAG for phloem sap proteins, but i achieved the bands even lower...
14 September 2020 3,679 2 View
Hi everyone, In order to do CHIP experiment, I used some lysis buffer and micrococcus followed by sonication to digest chromatin of the cells. I did all the process of cross-lincking, quenching,...
12 September 2020 1,472 3 View
i am Iqra, i am doing research on purification of amylase i want to perform zymogram of amylase. anyone send me the protocol for native PAGE electrophoresis.
08 September 2020 4,930 3 View
I am looking forward to evaluating changes in the proteome level of mouse brain after drug treatment. I have done two trial experiments of MS-MS run with in-gel tryptic digestion and I also...
08 September 2020 260 3 View
Hi. I've recently ran few protein samples alongside with pre-stained ladder on a SDS-PAGE. Everything looks fine on the gel. Then, I did the transfer onto PVDF membrane for protein detection. All...
07 September 2020 7,864 3 View
When post-staining agarose gels in an ethidium bromide / water bath for 10 minutes, my labmate says she can re-use the post-stain solution 2-3 times before she has to add more ethidium bromide (at...
05 September 2020 970 3 View
Hello, I have isolated a phage from a soil sample. I got a LTL somewhere around 10^9 pfu/mL. I did DNA extractions and got great DNA concentrations, always over 100ng/uL and the 260/280 ratio...
05 September 2020 6,056 3 View
In other words, given the gel percentage, voltage, protein size, buffer concentration, can you predict how fast a protein or DNA segment should theoretically travel down the gel? A related...
01 September 2020 4,163 1 View
whether the degree of quaternisation could be estimated by conductometry using standard silver nitrate solution. I would like to get the calculation and a reference for the same.
28 August 2020 4,282 0 View
This picture the product from my ligation and transformation. Eventhough, it is from the same host but I get different size and I wonder which one I should use to send for sequencing. And what the...
17 August 2020 9,313 3 View
I am using TBE-Urea gels in PAGE to analyze ssDNA. About half of the protocols (like Qiagen and Biorad) out there insist on pre-running the gel at constant wattage to pre-heat it. However, others...
05 August 2020 4,846 2 View
Dear researchers, I would like to ask is it necessary to do Elution of proteins from Polyacrylamide gel before sending the protein sample to Nano-LC-TOF-MS Analysis? This is what I plan, I would...
02 August 2020 3,868 3 View
I want to do MMP digestion on my collagen gels to see the effect of glycation on my collagen gels. I have difficulty to find the best MMP! some articles used MMP-1 some MMP-9 some MMP -2 and some...
29 July 2020 6,875 1 View