This picture the product from my ligation and transformation. Eventhough, it is from the same host but I get different size and I wonder which one I should use to send for sequencing. And what the reason behind this happening.
Your question lacks sufficient information; however, at any rate, I would send all three clones for sequencing, since sequencing is cheap ; it will tell you which clone contains the desired insert and what may possibly have happened with the others.
As Pierre Béguin sir said there is lack of information about the problem...More details are required about vector used, gene of interest size, more info gel loads. What does lane 2, 3 and 4 signify??
You have not clarified what are 1,2,3,4 and A. But I would suggest band size almost equal to Vector size + insert size = expected band size. As after ligation band size would be higher than an empty vector size. Hope it helps !!