I have isolated a phage from a soil sample. I got a LTL somewhere around 10^9 pfu/mL. I did DNA extractions and got great DNA concentrations, always over 100ng/uL and the 260/280 ratio between 1.8-2.0 I then take 10uL and mix it with 4uL of loading dye and load in the gel.
When I run the gel, the bands do not appear. One time, the band appeared but then disappeared after ten minutes. It looks like there is a smear on the gel as well. It did this with 1% and 2% gel at around ~100V. My next step is to try with a 3% gel and ~70V.
What is the possible reason as to why this is happening? Also I did restriction digestion and no bands were formed.
Thank you in advance for your help.