I am looking forward to evaluating changes in the proteome level of mouse brain after drug treatment. I have done two trial experiments of MS-MS run with in-gel tryptic digestion and I also performed alkylation. In both the trials we loaded 100ug protein in gel and we divided the gel in different fractions such as 4 fractions and 5 fractions. we run these samples for 90 minutes and 180 minutes in Qexactive orbitrap system fitted with nanoLC column (75um * 10 cm; 3um). However, we are getting a very less protein count in the range of 2000 -4000 in different trials, which is very less as compared to the published article. I think this may be because we are not reducing the highly abundant proteins and that may cause the problem with identification of low abundant proteins. I am looking forward to seeing any good protocol or method to increase the protein count in the MS runs as I want to look at the changes in the brain proteome level. Thank you for spending your time with this question, it would be my pleasure to read your suggestions.