Colloids with a solid continuous phase and liquid as the dispersed phase; gels may be unstable when, due to temperature or other cause, the solid... | Contact experts in Gels to get answers
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Questions related to Gels
Hi all, I have a problem with detection of cDNA synthesis where when I put it on the gel , there were any smears so what the meaning of that and what can I do? Thanks
22 December 2020 1,281 2 View
Hello, I am expressing an integral membrane protein (MW 51kDa) in Hi5 insect cells. I initially purified the protein by Nickel-His, concentrated it and subjected it to Size Exclusion...
11 December 2020 2,968 5 View
Hello all, I am in the process of writing a lab report about two lab exercises we just had at uni. The first one was a PCR of a DNA fragment, containing one of three variations of the CFTR gene,...
11 December 2020 4,531 2 View
I am trying to make 9 different fragments (3 tubes of each fragment) from the same template DNA. I am attaching photos (as a PDF) of the results of running all 9 fragments (with 3 tubes) on an...
10 December 2020 2,621 1 View
I performed a digestion that ended up at midnight, but forgot to inactivate the enzymes (HaeIII and RSAI) before freezing the products. I plan to run a gel to differentiate yeast isolates. Can I...
10 December 2020 3,728 3 View
I am expressing a 43kDa protein in bacteria that exists as a monomer or dimer. Size Exclusion Chromatography indicates that the monomer and dimer distribution begins as mostly monomer, and...
09 December 2020 10,106 4 View
If a protein sample is contaminated with nucleic acid, will these DNA/RNA run on the gel and show bands? (gradient gel, 4-20%, MW-marker: 14.4-116 kDa)
06 December 2020 9,607 3 View
I am trying to detect MMP2 activity through gelatin zymography. I do can see clear bands. But all my bands stuck in the top of gel. however the ladder passed through...also when i run the gel, the...
04 December 2020 472 2 View
Free biotin labeled oligos migrates normally, but samples containing biotin labeled oligos and protein extract stuck in the well. I would like to investigate the NF-κB binding in whole cell...
27 November 2020 6,289 3 View
The cell I used is 293T.I want to it can grow on the biocompatible materials,like agarose or alginate gels.But the shape of the cells is not good.In the T25 flask you will find the cell like...
27 November 2020 1,212 2 View
I used Trans1-T1 phage resistant chemically competent cells to extracted lentiviral gRNA expression vectors. And there were bands near 2000bp and smear on 1% argrose gel. Did the smear come from...
26 November 2020 1,048 2 View
Our lab purchased a antibody from Abcam, and on the product link it shows that the protein size and the detect size are both around 90. However when I run my own sample on the gel and detect with...
25 November 2020 661 5 View
I saw that HRP is attached to the Fc region of the primary antibody, while secondary antibody detects the Fc region of the primary antibody. Will the detection be interfered if the primary...
25 November 2020 7,848 11 View
Hi, We are checking the integrity of RNA isolated (using MagMAX 96 Total RNA Isolation kit) from mice tissue on a 1% agarose gel that contains a bit of bleach to get rid of RNases. Our 28S/18S...
24 November 2020 5,138 3 View
I have a problem in obtaining a transparent gel and glass in an aluminoborosilicate glass-ceramic, which is synthesized by the sol-gel method. In fact, my sol is homogenous and transparent, but...
23 November 2020 1,483 2 View
I extract the RNA from muscle tissue using Qiagen RNeasy Micro kit (50) (kat.74004). Everything fine with RNA concentration - about 300-500 ng/microliter. Before putting it into wells I mix my RNA...
20 November 2020 2,606 5 View
For carrying out an Amplified Ribosomal DNA Restriction Anaysis (ARDRA) I had to separate the products of restriction-enzyme-digested cDNA in an agarose gel. The agarose concentration was 1% (w/v)...
20 November 2020 5,180 2 View
I am trying to separate and analyze macromolecules (DNA) using horizontal gel electrophoresis. Protocol involves 1X TAE buffer, 10X denaturing buffer, 1X running buffer, 1% agarose gel, and 2X...
19 November 2020 775 2 View
We know the capacity of the gel and the total amount of protein in the bacterial lysate from a Bradford assay. What we do not know is what fraction of the total protein is the his-tagged protein...
16 November 2020 4,839 2 View
Anyone has the experience in electroporation using Amaxa 4D nucleofector for Naural Killer cells from PBMC prep? I want to use the cell as source for iPSC generation. What is the efficiency? Thanks
10 November 2020 6,776 1 View
I'm studying a bacterial protein containing 2 cysteine residues. I subject the bacterial culture to either mock treatment, ROS treatment, and ROS+b-ME treatment, then harvest the culture to run an...
09 November 2020 4,396 1 View
I want to dissolve 3 mM HAuCl4 in 5 ml oleylamine. So, for this I have to make a gold chloride solution in DI water which is to be dissolved in oleylamine. But whenever I mixing oleylamine with...
06 November 2020 2,117 2 View
Dear all, I hope one or few of you would be able to give some feedback on immunoprecipitating membrane protein in yeast. I work with one integral membrane and one peripheral membrane proteins...
05 November 2020 9,516 4 View
Dear all, Hi I have strips of blue native gel, from chloroplast samples, which I have kept in fixation solution (10% acetic acid, 10% isopropanol, 80% water). Do you know if I run a second...
30 October 2020 5,546 1 View