Colloids with a solid continuous phase and liquid as the dispersed phase; gels may be unstable when, due to temperature or other cause, the solid... | Contact experts in Gels to get answers
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Questions related to Gels
optical fiber
14 October 2023 6,156 3 View
When using Gaussian 16 to model a chemical reaction that occurred at 100 degrees Celsius with two reactants, should I include the temp=373 keyword during the thermodynamic calculations of species...
04 October 2023 9,416 1 View
If tissue was fixed in 4% PFA then cryoprotected in 30% sucrose, are you able to wash and switch to FFPE processing instead of blocking frozen in OCT?
04 October 2023 181 3 View
Other than RMSD, RMSF Radius ov gyration with significance
30 September 2023 3,234 0 View
Hello all I want to understand the deformation response of the protein molecule connected to another protein molecule. Since the size of the whole complex is going to be very large. I want to...
21 September 2023 2,379 0 View
Can anyone send me the JCPDS/ ICSD number of Graphene oxide. I have used (JCPDS NO.00-041-1487), but it do not show peak at position of 11 degree.
17 September 2023 8,470 4 View
Hello everyone. I am interested in inserting a large-sized fragment (~20-30kb) into the genome of mammalian cells. What methods can I employ to achieve this? Additionally, how can I obtain the...
09 September 2023 4,319 1 View
Dear All, I am trying to purify a protein secreted by HEK293 cells. My target protein fails to specifically bind on a nickel/cobalt column probably because of the presence of BSA coming from the...
08 September 2023 7,431 4 View
I dissolved a medium molecular weight polymer at 135 degree celcius and after removing it from flask, i poured it into glass bottle for further use but it became a gel like structure. Can anyone...
04 September 2023 8,380 3 View
Why does a small increase in temperature have a large effect on rate and difference between enthalpy change of reaction and energy of activation of reaction?
03 September 2023 9,593 8 View
I'm trying to understand how to check the length of a gene on the NCBI website but I couldn't do it, can anyone help me?
29 August 2023 1,105 1 View
Me interesaría trabajar sobre las contribuciones de la Neuro educación a los deportes colectivos; Como influyen las emociones en el desarrollo de la educación física y e deporte.
18 August 2023 8,979 0 View
I was preparing Poly-vinyl Alcohol (6 wt%) solution in water at 120°C. Given that the boiling point of water is 100°C and boiling point of Poly-vinyl Alcohol (mw 115,000) 228°C. But the solution...
18 August 2023 1,271 1 View
I was conducting surfactants salinity scan for optimal salinity for the nanofluid formulation. But, i can't see the transformation from Winsor type 1,Type III and then Type II upon salinity change.
11 August 2023 4,929 1 View
Regarding the publication: Holistic documentation of Cypriot ceramic zoomorphic rhyta dating to the Hellenistic Period 8 authors are mentioned. The real authors are 11. Please see the full text...
09 August 2023 3,258 1 View
Give me strengths and weakness of this research paper
02 August 2023 9,243 0 View
In my new lab, we assess RNA quality using formaldehyde. I have four different RNA concentrations: 405, 232.3, 1216.7, and 3772. To standardize the concentrations, I normalized them and then...
31 July 2023 7,699 3 View
Hi everyone! Currently im working in Zymography for amylase from seed sample, i was doing based on this reference with slightly modification Amylolytic activities and starch reserve mobilization...
19 July 2023 4,546 0 View
What are all the types of bacteria that can do photosynthesis and what are the only bacteria that can use photosynthesis to make its food?
14 July 2023 6,807 0 View
I wanted to know perfect colour of zno nanoparticle by green synthesised method. And how many degrees should i maintain in calcination periods below 300 or above 500 degrees.
12 July 2023 5,758 0 View
Glyphosate is soluble in water to 12 g/L at room temperature. The original synthetic approach to glyphosate involved the reaction of phosphorus trichloride with formaldehyde followed by hydrolysis...
05 July 2023 4,517 2 View
I am running RT-qPCR for a gene. However I still see amplification with lower Cq values in my negative control. Previously the Cq values of the negative controls were above 30. But now it averages...
04 July 2023 7,215 4 View
I want to see polymorphism of Tumour necrosis factor alpha (308 G>A, rs1800629) polymorphism. The sequence of that region is given...
03 July 2023 1,049 1 View
I need doxorubicin resistant breast cancer cells (MDA-MB-231, 4T1 preference). It will take several months to develop the resistant strains. I will be grateful for ever if any of you is willing...
27 June 2023 6,018 1 View