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Questions related to Cellular Biology Techniques
I have truck tire particles that I am using in my column experiment. I am trying to do size determination using the Malvern Zetasizer. My sample concentration is 0.1 mg/L, i.e., 10 g of sample was...
23 June 2024 8,766 6 View
Hello fellow scholars, I would like to know if I measure the drug release of my liposome through a dialysis membrane, how to solve the model that this device may cause [two-stage release]? Of...
10 April 2024 283 0 View
Hi. I am looking for the excitation-emission matrix of a compound called 5,6-dihydroxiindole (DHI). I irradiated tyrosine with UV and want to see if the emission peaks I got match with the ones...
10 December 2023 3,388 0 View
Type? (other than prophylactic LWMH) Duration?
01 September 2023 7,537 1 View
Is there a connection between stadialism and Hegel and his intellectual heirs? Who can be called the father of stadialism? Is it interwoven with British empiricism?
25 August 2023 533 1 View
In western blot, getting a thick cleaved band of gasD protein in the control sample. As samples are healthy subject then what will be the cause of getting cleaved band in untreated sample?
27 May 2023 9,330 0 View
In the experiment of inducing pyroptosis of THP1 cells, when adding ATP after pretreatment of cells with LPS, is it necessary to remove the LPS and then add the medium containing ATP, or add ATP...
08 May 2023 1,849 1 View
I need journals andbooks on the topic
04 March 2023 4,578 2 View
We are trying to reproduce a model of MLRP3 activation. Based on literature protocols, we prime peritoneal murine C57bl/6j macrophages with 1 ug/ml LPS in DMEM or RPMI1640 for 3 hr., then incubate...
14 October 2022 9,482 1 View
Does anyone have experience doing scratch assays in stem cells in 96 well plate using the wound maker? I notice that after doing the scratch and washing twice, the cells round up and there are...
26 January 2021 7,316 3 View
Manual homogenization using glass homogenizer takes lot of time, difficult to handle 50-100 tissue samples per day. Issue with mechanical homogenizer is it can destroy the fungal cells too.
28 September 2020 9,802 0 View
Chiumello et al (2006) suggested that thorax and pelvic supports should not be used in prone patients lying on air mattress beds in the ICU. The supports did not significantly affect...
01 April 2020 5,831 6 View
Dear community, I am looking for whole-body MR angiography images. I would be very grateful if someone could recommend me any resource, or would like to establish a data sharing agreement. I am...
31 March 2020 865 2 View
Hi, Has anyone used 2F Fogarty Arterial Catheter from Edwards lifescience recently? I had used this product for rat carotid artery injury for more than 15 years and never had problems until...
20 February 2020 7,778 1 View
Hello, I´m trying to understand how Alexa-647 ATP can be used as a detector of intracellular mitochondria-produced ATP? Not much info in the datasheet. Briefly, ATP was marked with this conjugate...
18 February 2020 2,154 1 View
Dear colleagues, currently I am doing an inflammasome-related experiment using cells. I have a substance as a candidate for anti-inflammasome. However, I am a little bit confused about which step...
15 November 2019 2,602 3 View
We knew that inflammasome event induced by LPS and extracellular ATP could lead to the cell pyroptosis and death, but what about the effect of only ATP administration to the cell culture? Is it...
20 September 2019 3,803 2 View
I have been working with NLRP3 inflammasome signalling and have been using RAW 264.7 murine macrophage cells stimulated with LPS to do so. I have recently come across several sources asserting...
14 May 2019 7,267 2 View
An obvious answer would be tar, but I can't find any analytical evidence for this. I have even found some weak evidence* against this. It seems that it's not even one particular...
12 January 2019 6,225 4 View
To my knowledge, a discussion of body orientation is curiously absent from the literature (cf. Hooker and Fahlman 2016) on lung (alveolar) collapse at depth (two exceptions, see below). The...
01 January 2019 3,985 0 View
What is the simplest, quickest, and/or cheapest way of finding out whether a molecule is involved in a novel quorum sensing / cell-cell signaling / signal transduction pathway? Most literature...
17 July 2018 4,622 3 View
Hi I am studying the role of my protein in lung cancer and using A549 (epithelial lung adenocarcinoma) and H1299 (Non small lung cancer ). Could someone please suggest what would be the most...
17 April 2018 4,398 3 View
what is the best management in Acute exacerbation of COPD which is resistant to medical management : A- CPAP ( Non invasive positve pressure ventilation ) B- Intubation and mechanical Ventilation .
19 February 2018 5,590 11 View
I just really don't know why my results isn't equal when I use CellTiter-Glo and CellTiter-Glo 2. Can someone explain it to me?
16 January 2018 3,834 1 View