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Questions related to Cellular Biology Techniques
1) Acetaldehyde and acrolein both are very evaporable and there are some loss during the solution preparation and incubation with cell in the 96-well plates or other plates. So A549 cell...
10 October 2015 3,739 3 View
We know that,we use stents to splint or keep the coronary artery open.There is several types of stent procedure.So,when we use nitinol stents,and what are its advantages over others?
08 October 2015 1,981 3 View
With the resistance value of coronary artery in hand is there any relation or formula to find the pressure pertaining at coronary artery?
21 September 2015 347 1 View
Their molecular structures are quite similar, but I have really no idea about such replacement...
10 September 2015 2,731 3 View
HI everyone, Could I have your opinion on these photos please ? I revived my HEK293T cells yesterday in FreeStyle medium and I noticed today those black floating vesicles. I had contamination...
09 September 2015 730 4 View
I am looking for a method to totally suppress RNA transcriptase in cell suspensions and see if any new strands of RNA are still elaborated as measured by uptake of tritiated nucleotides.
09 September 2015 6,738 6 View
Culturing primary cells from the nose we are constantly dealing with a loss of cultures due to persisting primary contamination after the first 3 days period (protocol according to ller L,...
09 September 2015 975 1 View
Hi guys, I want to measure microtubule bundlings, but I have no clue how to cope with this. Do you know some plugins or methods? Thank you very much for your input! Cheers, Feng
09 September 2015 693 3 View
Hi, I am nowing collecting the colon Lamina Propria cells. And when I prepared the digestion solution which need the DNase I. Here, I want to ask, I have two type of DNase I from different...
09 September 2015 1,260 2 View
I'm conducting an analysis of a phosphate transporter and I want to measure its transport capacity in human cells. I cannot use radioisotopes in this experiment.
09 September 2015 10,033 1 View
For example, I have a 8.603059e15 molecules of 70kDa dextran per mL of media into which I put HeLa or 3T3 cells, usually at either 1:1 or 1:3 ratio, trying to have them semi-buoyant... I was...
09 September 2015 2,568 1 View
I've been trying to fractionate glioblastoma stem cells (essentially transformed neural stem cells/progenitor cells) using either this Nature Methods protocol: Analysis of nuclear RNA interference...
09 September 2015 7,054 3 View
What is known about the effect of different thoraco-abdominal breathing pattern on (regional) lung perfusion or lung ventilation in healthy adults? Does it make a difference if I breath more with...
01 September 2015 6,350 4 View
Hello~ I am trying to transfect GFP-N1-5-HT1a into N2a cells using lipofectamine 3000. Before, I tried GFP-C1-5-HT1a with the same experimental condition, and the transfection efficiency can be...
12 August 2015 6,083 6 View
Hi all. I have performed an MTT cell viability assay and the vehicle controls do not seem to be metabolizing the MTT reagent. I am basing this on the fact that I definitely see live adherent cells...
08 August 2015 6,584 7 View
I'm interested to know if there are any well known markers to study NETosis in neutrophils using IF?
08 August 2015 9,550 5 View
I am experiencing very low O.D values in MTT assay, when I measured using microplate reader at 570 nm, even though I took enough no of cells there is no much increase in O.D. is it quite common or...
08 August 2015 2,908 13 View
Ive noticed that when im using the biorad mini system for western blot there tends to be a small amount of overflow into adjoining wells when im loading the samples even though im loading often...
08 August 2015 6,051 5 View
Hi, I'm currently setting up T-DC co-cultures and am looking for advice. T cell line is IL2 dependent. T cell media contains IL2 (amongst other supplements), although DCs produce IL2. Any advice...
08 August 2015 6,854 11 View
What are the methods to study cell proliferation kinetics ?
08 August 2015 9,973 6 View
A eukaryotic protein is predicted to be secreted by the SignalP 4.0. And how can I determine wether the protein is indeed secreted or not by the experiment? Is there any simple assay can be done...
08 August 2015 8,765 6 View
Propidium iodide (or PI) is an intercalating agent and a fluorescent molecule with a molecular mass of 668.4 Da that can be used to stain cells. When PI is bound to nucleic acids, the fluorescence...
08 August 2015 5,649 12 View
I am working with macrophage cells and time is of the essence with what I am trying to do. I know that inflammasome formation requires "two hits" of some type of immune stimuli in order to form...
07 August 2015 1,147 12 View
I am treating AR42J cells with 10-8 M cholecystokinin (CCK) for different time intervals up to 8 hours. Following this, I need to check for markers of cell death and for activation of the Unfolded...
14 July 2015 8,330 3 View