Cell culture is the complex process by which cells are grown under controlled conditions, generally outside of their natural environment. | Contact experts in Cell Culture to get answers
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Questions related to Cell Culture
22 October 2023 711 4 View
Hi. I'm trying to transfect CAL27 cell line (squamous cells of the tongue) with an overexpressing plasmid (size 7.7 Kbp) in different concentrations (from 50 to 1000 ng) using different volumes of...
21 October 2023 3,210 4 View
Hi! Im studying mitochondial dynamics and I have some doubts about the PINK1 western results. I work with two populations, in one of them we can notice 2 clear bands about 60 and 45 kDa, and I...
20 October 2023 4,842 0 View
in my experiment, I would like to consult whether there is an internal reference protein that is specifically expressed in adopocytes(similar to gapdh, but only expressed in adipocytes.Used to...
19 October 2023 7,218 0 View
Why is the reduced protein (with 2-ME) placed higher than the non-reduced one in SDS-PAGE?
18 October 2023 1,680 1 View
hello please any one experience in this area. i'm getting a very high OD for RNA is it pssoble to still do RNA-sequencing?
17 October 2023 9,576 4 View
what happens if with the DNA purity value as I attached in the picture, and I still force it for the amplification process? does RNA contamination interfere with the process
17 October 2023 4,792 5 View
Need to make osteoblasts by transdifferentiating fibroblasts but can only use immortalized human fibroblasts (not primary cells); will this even be possible or would I absolutely need to reverse...
16 October 2023 7,058 0 View
Dear ResearchGate Community, I am currently facing a challenge in the LC-MS analysis of a highly hydrophobic peptide (already purified to >98% by a manufacturer) on our 1260 LC-MS System. The...
15 October 2023 698 6 View
I submitted my manuscript more than a month ago to one of the good journals. But, I still see that "Editor assignment pending" status. How many days I can still wait? Any suggestions please.
13 October 2023 7,324 0 View
I tried with twice as concentrated PMA/IONO, tried also 4h and 5h incubations, tried different aliquots of PMA/IONO (but same concentration of course) but it doesn't work ! any suggesting please...
11 October 2023 5,746 4 View
Has anyone experienced peptide absorption in the blank plasma when using an ELISA kit? If so, what could be the possible reasons for this problem, and what strategies or techniques were employed...
11 October 2023 7,589 1 View
How can I simulate a UASB reactor UASB in ASPEN PLUS to remove COD and BOD?
11 October 2023 9,516 0 View
Hello, I am working on optimizing some antibodies for immunofluorescence IHC in my lab and I am having issues with getting my DAPI to stain properly. I'm also trying to optimize my IHC protocol...
11 October 2023 7,622 4 View
I need to make this reaction (pictured) with the same final concentration, but it needs to be in a total volume of 7.5ul instead of 25ul. Can someone please help me by walking me through your math...
09 October 2023 4,779 3 View
Hello everyone, We needed cardiac cells for a project and obtained H9C2 rat cardiovascular myoblast cells from another laboratory. The cells are at passage 15 and unfortunately have...
08 October 2023 7,571 1 View
I need to stain mouse brain sections with c-fos and phospo s6 (which is rabbit). I'm looking for a c-fos ab (mouse) because I don't want to perform a multiple immunolabeling with primary ab...
06 October 2023 2,847 2 View
I am trying to extract RNA from Culicoides mosquitos for detection of a RNA virus. I saw that is very used Trizol reagent but I dont have it in my laboratory. I have a quick RNA viral Zymo kit...
06 October 2023 2,242 0 View
Hello, Please guide me in the followings, I have an issue with cell seeding. When I made the cell suspension, and adding it into wells one by one, (shaking after every two/three wells), still...
06 October 2023 6,595 1 View
To obtain a stock solution from L-Glutamine, should glutamine be dissolved in water or in RPMI-1640? And how to prepare L-Glutamine solution?
04 October 2023 6,123 4 View
Hello, Our lab is struggling with contamination despite taking every precaution necessary to maintain a sterile environment. The images shown are mature iPSC-derived neurons, but the...
04 October 2023 9,087 4 View
If you have a cell line (not subcloned) with variable growth properties, how would you validate the process from cracking of the vial through isolation of product?
04 October 2023 6,633 1 View
I am currently working with human lung epithelial and fibroblast. I would like to know which passage is best for invitro studies as well. Kindly advise. Thank you
03 October 2023 6,499 5 View
I have Hplc and IR for the sample
02 October 2023 764 3 View