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Questions related to Biochemistry
I have modified an affinity chromatography column coated with Protein G to efficiently separate IgGs. Is it possible to elute the bound IgGs by adjusting temperature instead of utilizing elution...
10 October 2019 3,365 2 View
I am working on the well studied glucosidase - cancer relationship. During the work I have come across that beta-glucosidase is less abundant in cancer cells nevertheless human cytoplasm where...
10 October 2019 3,909 2 View
Hello everyone! I am having problems with choosing the best selective media for growing isolated colonies of Staphylococcus, Klebsiella and Pseudomonas spp. I read that Mannitol Salt Broth/Agar...
26 September 2019 8,652 7 View
I need articles and experimental design for the effect of Environmental exposure to certain chemicals/toxins/genes on susceptibility and protection of Opioid and substance abusers to death. Thanks.
21 September 2019 9,646 5 View
I am trying to purify a protein of interest from E coli periplasm. The protein is tagged with pelB signal peptide at N term and expressed very well. I tried to purify it using osmotic shock...
17 September 2019 6,671 4 View
It's said that Proline and Glycine amino acids are incompatible with helical structure and form kink in the helix, but why do Proline and Glycine are abundantly found in the collagen ?
09 September 2019 9,650 4 View
Dear Researchers, Greetings! I have seen many research article stated that OSA-starch modification without the treatment of isopropanol however, some of the research articles recommended diluting...
05 September 2019 4,809 2 View
I am preparing sterile FeCl2 and FeCl3 stocks for supplementing into bacterial media Tryptic Soy broth (TSB). However, i am not too sure what is the best way to prepare these stocks, if it is by...
27 August 2019 7,943 3 View
Hi, I am trying to purify synaptoneurosomes for RNA analysis from 4-week mouse brains. I am using a Percoll density gradient followed by washing 2X in buffer to remove residual Percoll (Dunkley...
20 August 2019 8,303 3 View
I will isolate organelles such as mitochondria and lysosomes from fish gill with the intention of measuring marker enzymes within these organelles. Can we store these isolated organelles in -80°...
08 August 2019 4,490 3 View
I work with an [4Fe-4S] containing protein from yeast, and want to try reconstituting the Fe-S cluster in apo-protein. I read that this can be done under anaerobic reducing conditions using an...
08 August 2019 4,246 3 View
Dear research community I was reading a paper where for making a conditional knockout in a chicken cell line, researchers have used cDNA instead of a gene for that particular protein. I wanted to...
08 August 2019 8,178 5 View
Hi, I am doing a pulse chase assay following radioactive methionine/ cysteine uptake. Over time I see processing of protein (67KDa to 45 KDa) following pull down with anti-HA coated magnetic...
08 August 2019 8,514 4 View
What would be the concentration of a 10μl aliquot taken from a 10ml solution with a concentration of 1000mg/ml?
08 August 2019 3,811 6 View
I am working on determining the binding site of a ligand on bovine serum albumin (BSA). From Job's plot and Scatchard plot analysis I could calculate that the ligand has 4 binding sites on BSA....
25 July 2019 1,525 3 View
Dear all, For some applications in AUC, we would like to correctly determine the partial specific volume of our biomolecules. We currently use Sednterp as a principal approach which diplays a...
24 July 2019 6,147 1 View
I would like to add cholesterol in bacterial growth media and determine cholesterol concentration in the presence and absence of some isolated bacteria. Is it OK to do it by the Auto-Analyzers /...
07 July 2019 9,698 1 View
07 July 2019 5,514 1 View
07 July 2019 7,518 4 View
MHC are a group of gene is located on chromosome that code for protein they found in surface of the cell and they help in immune system .
01 July 2019 7,162 1 View
I want to continuously separate a relatively big cation molecule (methyl viologen) in an alkaline (pH ~12) aqueous flow with a flow rate about 3000 micro-mole/min of target molecule. I'm wondering...
17 June 2019 6,452 0 View
I tried searching for more options online, but I only get Biochemistry programs, when I desire a more interdisciplinary program related to the process of drug discovery. Thank you in advance!
06 June 2019 4,054 4 View
Hello. which one have more hydrogenic bond,alpha helix or beta sheet? iappreciate your comments.
06 June 2019 9,929 5 View
I am using MG-RAST to analyse metagenome datasets and have used the Subsystems, KO, NOG, and COG databases for annotation of the functional genes. However, I don't know enough about the different...
06 June 2019 4,993 3 View