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Questions related to Biochemistry
I am currently studying a group project on an home made Mayonnaise (eggs non pasteurized / and vinegar) A family consumed an home made mayonnaise after a bad conservation (mayonnaise has stayed...
28 October 2020 9,294 5 View
To my knowledge, the ordered densely-packed double helix of amylopectin constitute the crystalline lamella, and we can determine the diffraction pattern and relative crystallinity (RC) for normal...
21 October 2020 3,158 8 View
I had submitted the structure but did n't get any result. Can anyone suggest possible solution of that problem? The model structure is obtained from de novo based process.
06 October 2020 4,872 3 View
I am conducting a meta-analysis and in instances where I only have a p-value that is reported as "non-significant", what is the best way to provide some estimate for that p-value. This is so that...
03 October 2020 2,125 9 View
Hi, I'm doing some live cell imaging experiments with SHSY5Y cells. Could someone pass me their media formulation?
23 September 2020 9,106 3 View
20 September 2020 4,930 2 View
How difficult is Lysosensor to use in a basic cell culture wet lab? Does anybody happen to have any advice and/or experience with this or similar probes? Thanks in advance!
16 September 2020 8,919 7 View
I must concentrate and purify a lot of dirty lysate and secreted protein samples. I just want to run them on protein gels for western blots. I'm trying to decide the best method of...
11 September 2020 3,131 8 View
What exactly the terms type-A, type-B and type-V crystallinity in interpreting the XRD analysis of starches and how to identify using the peak table?
11 August 2020 3,042 5 View
Hi, I've read numerous studies that treat SHSY5Y cells with 100-1000 uM FeCl2. In these studies, there is no mention of how this solution was prepared. I assumed they simply added iron chloride to...
10 August 2020 2,961 1 View
I have been searching the literature about this and I have not found an answer. If the atom that accepts a hydride is made more electrophilic, can this speed up the rate of hydride transfer?
30 July 2020 10,141 1 View
I'm trying to perform a BCA assay on some clarified lysate, but the samples appear to become brown, not purple, and the OD562 absorbance is very high. What could cause this? The brown is very...
11 July 2020 7,172 3 View
I am performing a MD simulation using GROMACS 2020.2, with ff-AMBER99sb-ildn & water model-tip3p, for a Zn containing metalloprotein. I have observed that a Zn move away from its position in some...
16 June 2020 4,599 0 View
I am trying to do immunocytochemistry to characterize the cells in a culture. As I am actually differentiating a type of neuron from neural stem cells, and I have done once the differentiation and...
05 June 2020 6,578 4 View
Various colorimetric assays we use are blue/purple/pink/red but not in green shades. Is there any particular reason for this?
31 May 2020 6,118 1 View
Hello everyone! I have designed a few primers and then a tried optimized the conditions using reference RNA, diferente primer concentrations e annealing temperatures and then calculating the...
26 May 2020 5,900 15 View
Does anyone know if there's a company willing to do all of the following: - Synthesize a custom gene and clone it into a plasmid - Transform E. coli with said gene and develop a protein...
20 May 2020 2,124 9 View
Any studies on the use on Naltrexone for covid-19?
12 May 2020 549 0 View
I've been running autodock to see how certain sugars, such as malate, and citrate bind to a protein of interest. Everything is goes great until the actual step where I run autodock, and it returns...
05 May 2020 1,651 1 View
Dear community I have been working on a research related to the milling effect on the physicochemical properties of a whole flour product. Analyses of moisture, lipid, protein, ash, fiber, etc....
02 May 2020 5,845 0 View
Here is the germane citation: Calvin J Gordon, Egor P Tchesnokov, Emma Woolner, Jason K Perry, Joy Y. Feng, Danielle P Porter, Matthias Gotte. Remdesivir is a direct-acting antiviral that...
15 April 2020 3,849 17 View
How does a ribosome find the exact one of the 20 different amino acids when synthesizing a protein? How fast could we synthesize proteins artificially, without the use of genes or chromosomes or...
31 March 2020 6,962 5 View
I am trying to validate a Biotin-streptavidin pull down protocol. My downstream application is Western blotting. I am working with HEK-293t cells and BASU. I incubate with streptavidin magnetic...
27 March 2020 5,964 7 View
In general biophysical experiments are carried out maintaining pH of around 7. For this purpose one can use various buffer systems like phosphate buffer, citrate buffer, tris buffer, bicarbonate...
24 March 2020 3,751 3 View