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Questions related to Biochemistry
Hello, I would like inquire on the process of extraction of protein contents from the green pea by means of decantation. What I know is that a decantation is a separation process in which...
23 March 2020 742 4 View
I have an important information to share n my article , the reference of that is a news article. Can you guide me how can i cite that in text and in detail?
21 March 2020 6,834 6 View
I need to produce formazan to make a standard curve, (as in this paper:Quantitative Determination of Superoxide in Plant Leaves Usi... ) The reaction requires riboflavin and methionine,...
06 March 2020 6,580 3 View
I use modified Ellman's method for determine cholinesterase inhibitory activities of some compounds. But i suspect that some thiourea derivetives form thiol group and give false negative yellow...
06 March 2020 1,487 5 View
I am looking for an astrocyte-specific AAV-PHP to perform experiments in vivo. I know people have used AAV-PHP for neurons and other cells but I couldn't find any specific AAV-PHP which only...
26 February 2020 1,890 3 View
Dear colleages I have a question regarding to the duration of treatment with 3MA and Rapamycin in the process of osteoblastogenesis and osteoclastogenesis. considering this fact that the process...
18 February 2020 5,033 0 View
ATP energy-storing molecule as is no doubt an efficient! as not only it is used as energy storage and provider in all forms of life and has probably been around for billions of years. Even in the...
09 February 2020 9,221 6 View
A Co(II) high spin complex is coordinated with two ligand radicals, which are antiferromagetically coupled with metal d-orbitals resulting one unpaired d-electron on Co(II) center. Now as reported...
08 February 2020 5,588 2 View
Sometimes I need to centrifuge reactions containing enzymes, however, I've realized I have absolutely no idea if spinning very fast could damage the enzymes. Does anyone have any data on safe...
02 February 2020 7,440 5 View
Best cell-free fetal DNA isolation kit for serum/ plasma samples? anyone doing estimation of cell free fetal DNA in Pregnancy induced hypertension ?
27 January 2020 3,786 2 View
Dear All, based on previous discussions on SAED pattern indexing in RG, I have got the idea that the camera constant, C, of a TEM-SAED set up, is the product of lambda and L, where lambda is...
03 January 2020 5,851 0 View
Hello everybody, I am trying to calculate the irreducible representation of point group 3m (C3v) for NBT (having R3c space group - 161). Could you please give some clarification in this regard?
01 January 2020 6,086 2 View
looking for some best ref. books on Viva in Clinical Biochemistry / Biochemical Analysis / Biochemistry PDF ??
12 December 2019 4,670 4 View
Lysozyme is consisted of 4 disulfide bridges while the number of disulfide bridges for BSA is 17. Nevertheless, lysozyme is known to be a more rigid protein. What are the other factors affecting...
12 December 2019 1,318 4 View
what is mass-based and volume-based energy storage capacity of ATP and typical carbohydrates? Is it possible for an autotroph to be evolved/found that convert sunlight into energy of ATP, store...
11 November 2019 9,811 2 View
Any synthetic analogue of Hemoglobin or any other Xenobiological agents can be cited as example. Please provide links and references.
11 November 2019 3,141 4 View
I know Mn2+ is stable and bio-available for plants, but what if only Mn4+ is available for plants in the environment? Is there any way that plants can transform Mn4+ into Mn2+? or Plants can...
11 November 2019 9,665 3 View
I need names of Nigerian Universities and if possible course/programme handbook for BSc Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
11 November 2019 4,865 4 View
04 November 2019 7,761 2 View
We have samples from patients, but they are not well marked, and therefore we are not sure if they are serum or plasma samples? Is there a simple test to distinguish between these? We have though...
24 October 2019 4,251 5 View
Hello, What is the appropriate Ligand, for a complex formation, that can be used to determine lead Pb and cadmium Cd in some fish samples by UV-Visible spectrophotometer ?. We need a...
16 October 2019 9,341 4 View
Hi, I am trying to establish a protocol for heart mitochondria evaluation in the Oxytherm+System (Hansatech Ltd). Should I add rotenone or not? I was using succinate+rotenone at the beginning of...
16 October 2019 6,600 8 View
Which chemical reactions occur in ethyl acetate extraction of these molecules? Are there any publications that explain this extraction?
10 October 2019 8,125 4 View
Hi I am planning to do protein N terminal amine isotope labelling analysis (N-TAILS) to find the substrate proteome of my protease of interest. For this I have the WT and the knock down line for...
10 October 2019 6,714 3 View