One of the three domains of life (the others being Eukarya and ARCHAEA), also called Eubacteria. They are unicellular prokaryotic microorganisms... | Contact experts in Bacteria to get answers
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Questions related to Bacteria
I need to prepare different molar concentrations 5 mM, 10 mM, 15mM, 20mM and 25 mM solution from 30% H2O2 solution. These solutions concentrations will be applied on cotton leaves
17 May 2022 2,416 0 View
And the bump was seen for a longer time with increasing in the dopant concentration. I am working on LaMnO3 with Bi doping. below is the graph attached for the same, Thank you
04 May 2022 7,687 2 View
To determine the concentration of glucose, I'm using the DNS assay which is an easy and fast way. Now, I'm looking for an assay where I can measure the concentration of glycerol. A colorimetric...
24 February 2022 7,090 0 View
I have prepared a fungal enzyme extract in Citrate phosphate buffer pH 5. The sample was also frozen in -20 one night and was used in Christ Alpha 1-2 LD plus. After 5 hours find the sample is...
19 November 2021 8,478 0 View
I am currently working doing a lot of N/N 2D gel electrophoresis for investigating replication structures in yeast. We might invest in a bead beater, which can handle a specific volume, but I am...
22 September 2021 2,583 4 View
Hi, I am looking for an assay (simple and fast) to quantify a 12AA peptide quantification inside PLGA nanoparticles. I did a PLGA/peptide solution in DMSO and after that I used F127 as surfactant....
21 September 2021 3,516 1 View
we use mycorrhiza to improve nutrient use efficiency and root enhancement, and phosphate solubilizing bacteria to help solubilize the phosphate and make it available to plants. Can both of them be...
24 June 2021 2,034 4 View
I recently sent some RNA lyophilized samples to a sequencing facility. As the samples were lyophilized, I can sent them at room temperature and I did not expect any degradation. However, they did...
11 June 2021 1,403 0 View
I have multiple models (hobby Sisyphean app: predicting (at least trying) presence/absence of riverine macrophytes. I would like to include...
03 June 2021 2,309 0 View
I am studying algae-associated symbionts and their ecological importance. I know that bacteria and archaea can contribute nutrients to the host. But can fungi (not fungi-associated...
13 May 2021 7,086 5 View
Hi, I'm currently working on an edible mushroom. I ground a fruiting body but cannot get a fine powder. As I know, mushroom with fruiting body has started its maturity phase. Thus, the fruiting...
05 April 2021 192 8 View
hi I want to synthesize nanoparticle PLGA-PEG carrying doxorubicin and also some nucleic acid (mirna). Between Doxorubicin (hydrophobic form) or Doxorubicin HCL ( hydrophilic form) which one...
12 March 2021 6,449 5 View
The antimicrobial effect of local anesthetics has been known for more than 50 years, but it still seems to have an unclear mechanism of action. which bacteria? which concentration? etc etc. ....
28 February 2021 4,812 2 View
I have been reading various articles and most state that treatment with CaCl2 produces higher efficiency of transformation than MgCl2. Can anyone explain why Ca2+ is better than Mg2+ at...
17 February 2021 8,798 5 View
We planned to collect macrophytes from a river where aquatic plants are of high density. What is the suitable method of sampling.
06 February 2021 4,270 3 View
Hello I am infecting cells with bacteria in a well and then I am doing serial dilution of this well 1 in 10 and culture the two last dilution on MHA agar I have difficulty in getting accurate...
27 January 2021 9,430 5 View
I want to examine a kind of fruit's extract's antimicrobial effects. At first I want to put it under the UV radiation to prevent the mold or any kind of fungi's and bacteria's growth. The...
25 January 2021 8,552 20 View
Hi, I want to inject (inoculate) a special bacteria to a laboratory mouse. Could you please guide me if you know any useful method?!
16 December 2020 1,572 5 View
After the liophilization process, the RNA is degraded. I tried to fix the problem by washing everything with DEPC treated water and freezing the samples with liquid nitrogen before lyophilizing....
12 December 2020 5,114 4 View
Carrion Ecology: What is the best way the statistically analyse the correlation of bacteria community data to volatile profiles and to fly community data across 3 time points using ordination...
25 November 2020 6,000 3 View
Dear all, Good day! Recently i tried to ferment my blended soya bean powder mixed with Natto bacteria culture in a Natto maker (containing some water) at around 45 degree celsius overnight....
24 November 2020 7,339 20 View
Could anyone give valuable inputs of this strain nomenclature F-, Δ(araD-araB)567, ΔlacZ4787(::rrnB-3), λ-, ΔpotD783::kan, rph-1, Δ(rhaD-rhaB)568, hsdR514?. Actually I need only pot D mutant...
24 November 2020 6,447 5 View
I have to measure the growth of the bacteria in a piece of fabric for my senior design project. I don't know how to measure it. The only way that I know is by the naked eye or by the microscope....
24 November 2020 3,115 6 View
We would like to analyse thousands of E. coli genomes and identify orthologous genes. Before this we would like to filter the bad quality genomes by BUSCO ( What % of...
16 November 2020 5,283 3 View