One of the three domains of life (the others being Eukarya and ARCHAEA), also called Eubacteria. They are unicellular prokaryotic microorganisms... | Contact experts in Bacteria to get answers
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Questions related to Bacteria
How can i get nonsporulating bacterial bacillus subtillis strain Δ spoIIE without antibiotic growth conditions ? This ΔspoIIE::erm strain is showing growth conditions with antibiotic...
11 November 2020 7,347 4 View
Is there any difference in the life span of current variants of this evolutionarily ancient phototrophic bacteria and the pre-historic ones.?
12 October 2020 7,031 5 View
I automatically built a GSMM using ModelSEED and retrieved all the metabolites that appear in the model using cobrapy. Now I'd like to convert the ModelSEED IDs that appear in the model to KEGG...
06 October 2020 3,602 0 View
I am lay in this subject. Is DNA sequencing the best way to identify the different types of soil bacteria present in soil samples? Ideally, I'd like to find a technique that allows me to identify...
30 September 2020 4,793 9 View
Looking for a Article that investigate improvement of geotechincal properties of acidic soil/sand using microbially induced calcite precipitation (MICP).
25 September 2020 4,054 1 View
I want to siliconize my cell culture bioreactor vessel, and buying sigmacoat is a little expensive by considering the other materials which I need and my budget. So I was thinking if it's ok to...
06 September 2020 7,966 2 View
Hi, I am wondering what is the best experiment (cheap and fast) to screen co-expression of a list of genes in different bacteria strains? Lets say, we have around 100 bacterial strains and for...
11 August 2020 7,721 3 View
Sample dilution is done on some complex matrice prior to chromatographic analysis whilst other complex samples are analyzed directly with no sample dilution. what is the significance of sample...
31 July 2020 7,055 10 View
I've been working with plant bacteria and investigating their ability to produce siderophores. For a qualitative test I chose a method described hereModified microplate method for rapid and...
27 July 2020 7,341 4 View
I would like to do a transformation with E. coli ATCC 25922. Would like to simply add a plasmid for amp. resistance. I need to use ATCC 25922 for my research question. Does anyone have a protocol...
24 July 2020 5,562 1 View
Yogurt and its benefits
15 July 2020 4,408 97 View
I am co-culturing bacterial strains with human cells (WBCs) and there are about 3000 different bacterial strains. The idea is to carry out flow cytometry experiments with these samples (in 96 well...
10 July 2020 3,271 5 View
I am doing large-scale fermentations and have significant problems with bacterial contamination which I suspect are lactic acid bacteria. I would like to add an antibiotic that will not affect the...
24 June 2020 7,720 1 View
I am interested to calculate LOD and LOQ by calibration method.
27 May 2020 859 17 View
Answer related to metabolism of bacteria would be appreciated.
24 May 2020 4,229 2 View
I‘m confused that why there are hundreds of flagella grown on some bacteria. It are unlikely used only for movement,but what is the real function of it?
28 April 2020 6,402 1 View
Dear all, I have some bacteria DNA partial sequences (16s rRNA). They sequenced only by 9 F primer. Their length is under 1100 bp. When I draw phylogenetic trees for some of them by MEGA, my...
24 April 2020 9,334 8 View
Is there any explanation for this that why the same specie of bacteria is qourum sensing positive when it is isolated from clinical sample but when we isolate that specie from marine sediment, it...
01 April 2020 3,146 4 View
I have sequenced various bacterial genomes, and what I need to know is whether these isolates are clonal or not. There are several percentages of similarity among these isolates, yet I do not know...
01 April 2020 9,859 10 View
Dear researchers, I'm working on a project that requires isolation and cultivation of SRB from soil. What are the common soil types rich in SRB and is there any specific method to collect the...
27 March 2020 8,911 6 View
Hello, Many protein shake powder mixes contain digestive enzymes such as protease, lipase, and cellulase. However, the products do not detail from which organism the proteins are produced or...
22 March 2020 5,186 3 View
I'm working with both facultative anaerobes and obligate aerobes. I was wondering do SIM and/or MIU tests work if the bacteria are aerobic? If not what tests should I do in order to find out...
20 March 2020 480 4 View
I am conducting DNA extraction experiments from K562 cells. For a reason unbeknown to me, the total mass of DNA extracted happens to be much larger than what I expect considering the number of...
16 March 2020 6,425 3 View
I am considering to use PCR for identification of X. vesicatoria (from tomato spot), however I am still exploring alternative tests. I have found an ELISA test for several Xanthomonas species, but...
16 March 2020 1,624 7 View