One of the three domains of life (the others being Eukarya and ARCHAEA), also called Eubacteria. They are unicellular prokaryotic microorganisms... | Contact experts in Bacteria to get answers
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Questions related to Bacteria
I already tested three different sequences and had problems with dimers and melt curve (low specificity). Any reliable primers? I'm studying rat microbiota with qPCR.
13 March 2020 7,801 2 View
I have not seen this type of bacteria morphology before. I am wondering what it might be and how to classify it. Is it even bacteria? Could it be fungi?
12 March 2020 4,509 6 View
The question does not require much explanation. Interested to know if there is some study on overall pattern of temperature range of permanent inactivity of various viruses and bacteria of all...
11 March 2020 8,927 44 View
I am struggling to find a helpful protocol for detection of these two bacterial species (one originating from tomato wilt disease and the other from tomato spot disease). I am unsure of how to...
10 March 2020 8,889 5 View
I'm having extreme difficulty identifying this bacteria... here are the results of some of the tests I've performed. Any insight is greatly appreciated! TTC Motility: strongly motile Gram stain:...
05 March 2020 2,326 6 View
Hello, I'm currently working on DNA extraction from E. coli suspended in PBS. I'm working with concentrations ranging from 102 CFU/mL to 105 CFU/mL (and 108 CFU/mL as a positive control) and I...
03 March 2020 4,123 3 View
Hello all, I am planning to culture bacteria B.subtilis (strain 1085) for my research and was looking for the availability of cells in Sigma Aldrich or Merck. Unfortunately, I couldn't find it....
28 February 2020 1,146 7 View
Working on comparative genome analysis on Zika virus, having a minor issue while working with genome workbench? Anyone done this before, who can guide me on this? Actually, couldn't able to...
26 February 2020 4,540 2 View
I prepared a 5 gms of bacterial cells suspended in PBS (phosphate buffer saline) and placed it in -4 degree (to preserve), now I want to lyophilize my cells. the problem is : 1- I need to change...
26 February 2020 4,730 3 View
Hello, I would like to know if Frankia cci3 can solubilize phosphate? And how to cultivate it in PVK medium?
20 February 2020 954 3 View
This is my first time working with thioglycollate broth and based on everything I've found I am not a 100% sure what this type of growth represents. I can see a growth on the top, then a line of...
06 February 2020 8,279 7 View
I'm trying to isloate bacteria from rhizosphere, kindly share some robust protocols that i can use for isolation.
02 February 2020 9,666 3 View
For reducing the antinutritional factors of plant feed ingredients bacterial fermentation is a good option. But I wish to know among the different strains of bacteria which one may be a better option.
02 February 2020 569 2 View
02 February 2020 7,902 4 View
i want to grow rhizosphere bacteria on nutrient broth and subsequently check their growth through OD. I need a robust protocol that can tell me all the details about conducting this experiment.
24 January 2020 4,903 3 View
I have been working on creating on knocking out the ThyA gene (an essential gene) in e. coli using lambda red but have only been successful with lab type strains (MG1655 and BW25113), but...
09 January 2020 2,696 4 View
Could someone suggests which MW of FITC-Dextran is used for chemotaxis of bacteria? Also, if I make a FITC-dextran solution in PBS then how long can we store this solution at 4 degree Celsius?
01 January 2020 3,685 1 View
01 January 2020 5,541 3 View
I am working on a project where I am testing the resistance of a certain bacteria to copper and was testing it by adding copper at varying concentrations to r2a agar. However, despite sitting in a...
01 January 2020 936 5 View
I recently ran some 16S sequencing data using the DADA2 pipeline using the silva database (silva_nr_v132_train_set.fa) for taxonomic assignment. Strangely, the genus Polaromonas sp. is being...
01 January 2020 2,485 4 View
01 January 2020 4,816 3 View
Metagenome sequencing data analysis, Bioinformatics
23 December 2019 5,968 15 View
Hi researchers, I've been working with my own mucin obtained from porcine's gut and I'm trying to purify it by my own. The thing is that when I do dilutions of the fecal sample, and inoculate...
18 December 2019 1,798 0 View
Can biofilms be seen by pathologists when they do lab studies? For example, if a human has a biofilm in their colon and does a colonoscopy with biopsies sent to the pathologist, could the doctor...
12 December 2019 9,637 5 View