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Questions related to Sequencing
We are tying to sequence and build de novo transcriptomes from total RNA for phylogenomics of non-model organisms (Lophotrochozoa), the degraded samples cannot be re-collected.
08 December 2016 7,060 2 View
Am working on a project that needed me to generate one million records in a single table and i tried it on Oracle SQL Developer Database it truncated the inputted data, I also tried with XAMP...
08 December 2016 2,210 2 View
I am sequencing extracellular vesicle RNA on illumina Nextgen 550, on paper for this kit looks great... but has anybody experience with it?
04 December 2016 2,545 0 View
I need compare a particular protein coding (nucleotide) sequence and amino acid sequence with vertebrates and non-vertebrates and understand the mechanisms of evolution and relatedness using...
04 December 2016 3,479 3 View
I have a MR volumetric sequence, where size of the brain volume is 256*256*181. Where there are 181 sequences, each sequence size of 256*256. I want to extract patches from each sequence and...
02 December 2016 9,519 3 View
I am working on some protein and would like to know about probable candidate protein interacting with my query. sequence and protein structure is available with me. Please suggest me some good...
30 November 2016 1,259 2 View
I'd like to capture genomic fragments around 200-300bp length. Has someone tried this? Which bait length would you recommend?
29 November 2016 1,137 1 View
Hi collegues, I am trying to get a great tool to despict the phylogeny data but TCS nor Network are useful when ambiguity IUPAC codes are present in the sequences. If someone knows how resolve...
25 November 2016 2,232 4 View
I want to amplify a 1500bp amplicon, when I use pfu DNA polymerase the PCR product size is 1000bp, when I use taq DNA polymerase it is 1500 bp. Do somebody have some comments in this regard?
24 November 2016 2,172 5 View
I am trying to find out the latest information on how many bacterial genomes have been sequenced and how many fungal. I have looked on NCBI but can't find any actual numbers. Does anyone know...
24 November 2016 3,151 3 View
I need a lab that is renowned and capable of conducting gene expression and sequencing..... Thank you.
23 November 2016 5,512 4 View
I am using HPLC-UV/FLD Agilent and get this error Failed to schedule the sequence "object reference not set to an instance of an object" in HPLC-UV/FLD. Would you have any suggestions to fix this...
23 November 2016 7,493 3 View
I have a fasta sequence, which i want to represent as a Line DNA barcode. Kindly suggest any online tools, softwares etc. Thank You
22 November 2016 1,750 4 View
could anyone provide such a successful MTS sequence that works in arabidopsis?
17 November 2016 8,251 1 View
Hello, I am preparing RADseq libraries. I am shearing digested DNA (mean size 4096bp) using a Covaris ME220. The shearing is not working as fast as it should (compared to undigested DNA). Does...
16 November 2016 9,370 4 View
Which changes (parameters) can improve CID results?
16 November 2016 788 3 View
How should identify genotype of individuals for an association study? I have got sequence of each individual related to my desired gene and conducted SNP analysis for them, but I don’t know the...
15 November 2016 8,905 3 View
I am completely new in this QIIME's world. I have been trying to analyze my data set, it is composed by 2 samples: Sample 1: V1V2, V3V4, V4V6 16S rRNA amplicon. Sample 2: V3V4 16 So, the data is...
15 November 2016 6,540 4 View
A company is offering 1Gb for $xxx. Since it is supposed that 1Gb=10^9 bases, is it enough for assemble a whole bacterial genome (~9Mb)?
14 November 2016 331 4 View
When I was looking for some information about CCAT1 gene in NONCODE, I realised that some part of sequence is written with capital letters and some part with lowercase letters,...
13 November 2016 5,037 1 View
I have been unable to get useful results from the REGA HIV-1 subtyping tool for the past 48 hours (link below). Although my sequences are uploaded in the FASTA format (less than 10 sequences at a...
11 November 2016 7,464 4 View
I am looking for a protocol or kit for RIP seq in a rare cell population. I am sorting this rare cell population by FACS, but only get around 3K cells per experiment. However, I know that my RBP...
10 November 2016 1,695 1 View
I am looking to do a sister chromatid exchange (SCE) assay to complement some single cell sequencing copy number results but do not have access to a UVA source. I am wondering if hydrogen...
09 November 2016 839 2 View
I would like to do sequencing of a species of Charophyceae, for which, I have collected a few morphologically differing members from different locations. I would like determine if there is any...
08 October 2016 8,106 5 View