Genetics is a discipline of biology, is the science of genes, heredity, and variation in living organisms. | Contact experts in Genetics to get answers
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Questions related to Genetics
the defense mechanism of plant is really a wondrous mechanism if it can be utilize it will best way to deal with management practice for crop protection.
08 December 2020 956 10 View
Hi, I have two data sets from the illumina omniexpress snp array platform. The first data set was mapped using the GRCh37 build and the second one was more recently read using the GRCh38 build....
15 June 2020 6,514 1 View
The evidence is mixed and variable over the decades. More recently, evidence suggests mental illness can be associated with having an hysterectomy. Case Study A lady, aged 54 had an hysterectomy...
11 April 2020 7,482 4 View
Hi everybody I want to calculate the genetic distance and similarity for ancestral populations. My data is haplotypes. I appreciate your help. Best regards
04 March 2020 8,364 10 View
As there is very little data available for CEP126 gene on databases, i would like to know if there is anybody or any lab working on this gene.
01 February 2020 2,018 1 View
I would like to have the insight and opinions of people within the field before I apply for colleges or seek transfer options. Also, is it a good idea to study molecular biology in german rather...
24 December 2019 7,908 8 View
I'm currently studying a family with a huge duplication which encompasses a tissue-specific enhancer element. Therefore I want to investigate the effects of such duplication. I was wondering...
02 November 2019 406 2 View
Seeds obtained from heterozygous T0 mutants obtained through CRISPR CAS9 were sown and the plants raised were properly genotyped. Following normal segregation pattern, T1 generation had WT,...
20 September 2019 2,053 4 View
I would like to identify particular gene/(s) that regulates the expression/pattern of structural and functional connectomes. Is there any? If so, which one? I would appreciate your...
15 September 2019 7,781 2 View
09 September 2019 9,023 3 View
Obviously, Charles Darwin made a great success in the theory of evolution. However, when he was trying to explain the fundamental of genetics, he came up with "gemmule theory". Now we all know...
09 September 2019 4,180 4 View
Hi All, I am trying to generate a bacterial operon construct. I have designed four gBlocks (each of which is ~1.7 kb) and synthesized them from IDT. I am using pGex-6p-1 vector to assemble these...
20 July 2019 4,312 3 View
I am looking for a gold standard list of genes that are well recognized to have no association with cancer. Is there such a list publicly available? Edit: a list such as this will be useful for...
07 July 2019 6,143 4 View
I would like to know if there is a supercomputer or a server machine, which is free to access, and can run the STRUCTURE software ( I...
29 May 2019 5,876 3 View
05 May 2019 8,585 4 View
One of my rice mutant produce more than 50% seeds as empty seeds. The seeds when opened look like in the attached picture. Can anyone explain the phenotype in the attached picture. I am not sure...
05 May 2019 4,723 5 View
How to calculate PIC Polymorphism information content?
04 April 2019 9,788 6 View
My question is based on conducting a meta-analysis on the association of multiple variants in a single gene with a complex disorder using published case-control studies. For my study, around 5...
04 April 2019 4,263 2 View
Dear Professors and Supervisors I recently graduated with a Master’s degree in Genetics (with the highest grade). I am looking for an open PhD position in cancer research to begin as soon as...
03 March 2019 6,927 2 View
In trees we do controlled pollination in a Diallel mating design to produce F1's and observe the characters of progeny. Can we consider the pod and seed produced after controlled pollination as...
23 January 2019 8,214 6 View
01 January 2019 6,186 7 View
We are currently trying to identify presence of babesia bovis, babesia bigemina, and anaplasma marginale in DNA isolated from white blood cells. However, the amplification plot values start...
13 November 2018 4,217 3 View
11 November 2018 1,271 4 View
Will the concept of science-fiction genetic experiments to recreate the long-extinct dinosaur species used in the plot of the film "Jurassic Park" ever be possible? The plot of the film "Jurassic...
20 October 2018 8,360 7 View