Hi everyone,

I am isolating RNA from pine cambium and am having problems getting clean pure RNA. If I use a miRvana kit I get around 10ng/ul RNA and 0,5 ng/ul DNA and by LiCl precipitation I get clean RNA samples but also higher contaminating DNA.

If I use DNase treatment (thermofisher AM1906) it only works on LiCl extracted RNA but does not efficiently remove DNA (from 5 to 1 ng/ul, after 2 hours doubling enzyme and buffer). With this conditions RNA starts to degrade.

Reading extensively I have seen that using acidic phenol can remove DNA from RNA samples because at pH 4,5 DNA moves to the organic phase and RNA stays in the aqueous one.

Does anybody have any experience on that and knows how risky it is? I assume removing phenol afterwards will be tough.

I attach a gel image of my RNA extractions using LiCl to precipitate.

Thanks in advance


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