I have tried so many times to extract tRNA from Rose leaves and buds by pBiozol method. My intention is to have tRNA for experiments about miRNAs (as pBiozol can give tRNA with high concentration of miRNAs). Here is the customized protocol that i follow (the steps indicated by * are added by my lab's senior members):

1) crush tissues in liquid N2

2) add pBiozol: 0.5ml for 0.1g tissue, 1ml for 0.2g, 5ml for 1g, and so on.

3) incubate on ice (horizontal placed tubes) for 5min

4) spin @12k g for 2min at 4oC

5) transfer supernatant to a new tube; add 0.1ml NaCl (5M) and 0.3ml chloroform (if 0.1g tissue used in step 2)

6) spin @12k g for 10min at 4oC

7*) transfer the supernatant (uppermost phase) to a new tube; add the same amount (as of supernatant) of phenol:chloroform at 25:24

8*) spin @12k g for 10min at 4oC

9*) transfer the supernatant (uppermost phase) to a new tube; add the same amount (as of supernatant) of chloroform

10*) spin @12k g for 10min at 4oC

11*) transfer the supernatant (uppermost phase) to a new (final) tube; add 1ml of isopropanol alcohol and incubate at -20oC for 2 hrs

12*) spin @12k g for 30min at 4oC

13*) discard supernatant, add 80% ethanol

14) spin @12k g for 10min at 4oC

15*) repeat step 13 and 14

16) remove all the ethanol, air dry pellet for a few minutes, add DEPC water 20-30ul, store at -80oC

17) check quality and quantity by nanodrop and gel electrophoresis

(all the chemicals used are pre-chilled; tubes are worked on ice; extra care for avoiding contamination).

I use young leaves or flower buds. I just assume the weight of tissue as 0.1 or 0.2g (may be i am wrong, but how can i weight the tissue before adding the pBiozol, it seems impossible to me)

now the question is, where is the problem? i mostly get no bands, smeared band, or dim 28s band..

Please help me, i have tried more than 30 times

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