I am having issues loading both the classifier model and rules from Cell profiler analyst into cell profiler in the filter object module.
I created a pipeline where I identify my primary objects(cells) then I measure object intensity distribution, object intensity, object size and shape and I also measure the texture. I then export to a database and use classifier to train CPA into dividing my objects into 5 cell types.
I then go back to the same pipeline and added an extra module to filter objects as the last module.
And I if select: Objects to filter: Primary objects filtering mode: rules. class number and ask to relabel the additional objects to the 5 different cell types.
But I get the red cross on this module and it says: "The rules file, uses the measurement, Texture_InverseDIfferenceMoment_Clls_3_02 for object IdentifyPrimaryObjects, but that measurement is not available at this stage of the pipeline. Consider editing the rules or adding measurement modules.
It is exactly the same pipeline I use to create the first database with the properties file just with the filter objects module right before the export to database.
If I attempt by selecting classifier instead of rules as filtering mode and upload the model from CPA it gives me “unable to load the model as a classifier file”. But is sees the correct class names underneath.
Can anyone please help me?