The systematic study of the complete complement of proteins (PROTEOME) of organisms. | Contact experts in Proteomics to get answers
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Questions related to Proteomics
Hi all, Are there any strong books or tutorials on the concepts underpinning manual inspection and editing of alignments garnered by our alignment algorithms? Applying to both pairwise and MSAs,...
10 March 2020 7,695 4 View
Dear all, I am culturing some suspension cell lines. I am planning to perform proteomics (LC-MS/MS) experiments on them. Unlike adherent cells (viable cells are adhering to the substrate and...
04 March 2020 2,511 3 View
Hi! May I ask for suggestions on research papers, databases or any materials that will not be overwhelming to get me started on proteomics research? Also any firsthand experience on difficulties I...
25 February 2020 6,610 2 View
Dear colleagues, I would like to seek your kind advice on click chemistry enrichment of azidohomoalanine (AGA)-tagged proteins. From literature, I learned that there are 2 main avenues, either...
19 February 2020 8,874 2 View
I have used iTRAQ for analysis of the arabidopsis secretome, however, I am now hoping to apply this method to the whole proteome of various crop species. Advice on sample preparation or...
30 January 2020 10,116 3 View
Hello! I am working with some materials that require desalting of the peptide samples prior testing. My samples contain a salt of potassium. With a standard sample, I would use R3 or C18 resins...
20 January 2020 6,894 3 View
Hi all, I am working on proteomics, and I am looking for a plant pathogen updated database. Most of them are no longer available. Thank you so much!
16 January 2020 7,249 3 View
Hi All, This question is asked by one of my colleagues but receives no response. I hope someone can help us with figuring out. "Recently, I have observed that Maximum Target to Inject can be...
08 January 2020 5,623 1 View
Dear All I am working with beta-lactamase enzymes responsible for antibiotic resistance. I have made all the variants in the lab that are available in nature and going to test their kinetic and...
31 December 2019 5,836 5 View
Hi, I am looking to run a tandem mass spec experiment for proteomics. Obviously I will need to validate the results of this using another method such as Western Blotting/Elisa. The question is,...
24 December 2019 1,007 2 View
I recently did a proteomics experiment on lung cancer cells examining the effect of knocking down my protein of interest, and did a Western blot and qPCR to confirm the knockdown prior to prepping...
15 December 2019 713 3 View
Does anyone know how to convert Bruker .BAF data file to other format that can be read by "Thermo proteome discoverer" software? I have tried to convert the file using "Trans-Proteomic Pipeline"...
09 December 2019 9,061 6 View
Hello Everyone, I am doing iTRAQ (8plex reagent) experiment to identify and quantify the relative proteomic changes between control and test set of an organism. After labeling of different iTRAQ...
02 December 2019 4,655 3 View
tl;dr: Why data linearization is applied in the identification o differentially expressed genes/proteins? I am new to data analysis of big data like proteomics. As far as I know, a simple t-test...
17 November 2019 8,635 4 View
Hello, I have some small secreted proteins which have the ability to move from plant to fungi. As they can move between plant and fungi, I assume these small secreted proteins have some domains...
05 November 2019 7,062 4 View
Does anybody know of a paper or a database, where I can get such data? I would appreciate any information. thanks Assa
23 October 2019 8,103 3 View
I am carrying out experiments with cell secretomes ( collected after incubating with one type of cell for a few days). The secretome is again used to study the effect on cancer phenotype. Before...
09 October 2019 7,036 2 View
we intend to perform the proteomics analysis and NGS of the isolated tissue from canine cancer model and need the protocol for proteomics and NGS of canine cancer model.
07 October 2019 3,657 3 View
I am trying to do proteomics of rare cells populations and I need to collect say 100K cells from 5ml of media after FACS. I am looking for a simple and efficient method, preferable not based on...
30 September 2019 7,438 3 View
Hello, I am working on a project with knockdowns. Is there a universal amount of knockdown one start with? Is there anything in literature to support this? I'm having trouble finding...
06 September 2019 1,600 1 View
I have transcriptomic and proteomics data from prokaryotes. What is the best way to integrate this data? Is there any bioinformatic tool for this data integration?
26 August 2019 9,233 2 View
Dear all, Recently, I isolated a protein by LC (IEC and GFC) which showed one band on SDS-gel. Then, I sent it to determine its accurate MW using LC/MS. The brief result is attached which showed...
21 August 2019 2,867 4 View
Hello, I am new to the field of proteomics and interested in analysing aa composition of protein product (mainly storage protein). Have access to aa analyser but due to high running cost I'd...
17 July 2019 9,231 4 View
I am trying to do 2d gel electrophoresis for the whole protein of cell lysate. and using aceton precipitation I clean up my lysate. I have Urea, CHAPS and IPG buffer3-10 in my rehydration buffer....
17 June 2019 979 11 View