The systematic study of the complete complement of proteins (PROTEOME) of organisms. | Contact experts in Proteomics to get answers
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Questions related to Proteomics
Hi Everyone, I am a bigginer in western blotting and I am trying to use it for validation of my proteomics data. I have: two regulated proteins with molecular mass of 40 and 73 kDa one control...
24 February 2021 6,965 4 View
Hi, so basically... I am trying to mimic a clinically observed condition wherein a frame-shift mutation happens only at one allele of the patients, giving rise to a truncated variant which evades...
18 February 2021 1,442 6 View
Hello! I would like to know if there is a way to flush/remove all the cells out of a tissue and keep only the extracellular matrix, in order to analyse its composition using e.g. proteomics....
15 February 2021 1,840 4 View
Study bringing together genomics, proteomics etc together
03 February 2021 3,048 2 View
I planned an experimental setup using 10-plex TMT with 9 conditions and 1 bridge channel to compare 5 replicates. But since I experienced some run-to-run variation, I was wondering if a better...
01 February 2021 3,700 3 View
Hi everyone, I am starting a project in analyzing EVs proteomics in cancers. However, the most published articles I have found stated only brief isolation protocols that could not fully be...
18 December 2020 7,758 2 View
Hi, I am trying to screen infected plant proteomes for targets of a secreted pathogen protein. I have purified the pathogen protein using a GST-tag on an agarose resin. I am using the Pierce...
24 November 2020 7,157 3 View
Hi, I want the MS2-CID spectra from orbitrap velos mass spectrometry of organism: human (Mod: C+57) for testing my peptide identification algorithm developed. Large set of orbitrap velos dataset...
17 November 2020 8,419 1 View
I want to ask how to properly collect and store exosomes just after their isolation from conditioned culture media, for subsequent proteomic and/or metabolomic profiling ?? Should we make snap...
07 November 2020 5,374 3 View
Has anyone used or read about blood plasma lyophilization (my interest would be for safe transport/conservation of samples over long distances) for posterior analysis of metabolomics/...
27 October 2020 7,422 7 View
I have a list of LipidMAP IDs for a bunch of metabolites and I need them all converted to Human Metabolite Database IDs. I have over 300 entries so I need a way of converting these IDs in bulk,...
21 October 2020 3,506 4 View
I am wondering how important pH is here. I have a sample tryptic sample in 50mM TEAB, wondering if I need to add in TFA to ~2% before desalting. I understand the need to acidify samples with ion...
19 October 2020 6,850 3 View
I want to do tissue subcellular fractionation of mouse liver. According to the method, the speed to separate ER is over 200,000g for 120 min (Song et al., 2006). However, liver exosome isolation...
13 October 2020 5,121 3 View
I am planning to perform immunoprecipitations using the Pierce anti-HA magnetic beads from Thermo Fisher (Catalog number: 88836) and I was wondering whether anybody has incubated these beads with...
06 October 2020 4,198 6 View
Hi everyone, I am not good at working with the R packages. I am looking for a user friendly and open access standalone tool (web or downloadable) for data normalisation, LIMMA analysis and PCA...
24 August 2020 6,447 3 View
Hi Proteomics enthusiasts, I am currently analyzing DNA pulldown data (treated vs non-treated) using Label-free quantification on Maxquant. I am trying to assess if a protein is present in one...
05 August 2020 1,395 6 View
I am interested to do my PhD research on venom proteomics. I don't have details idea of it. I am a beginner in this area. Is there anyone who can support me to provide necessary information...
04 August 2020 1,971 3 View
Dear specialists in proteomics, I was wondering if there exists a database of human-like proteins only, which is downloadable in FASTA form (i.e. like Ref Seq but also containing...
20 July 2020 8,750 1 View
If I have only two options in front of me to select either Gasteiger or the AM1-BCC, so based on which parameters or rules I can select the most appropriate charge scheme during minimization step...
19 July 2020 8,964 1 View
I am looking for an open source tool to analyse proteomics. I have used STRING database so far. I want to compare to different data sets (two different conditions) and visualize differences in the...
16 July 2020 2,379 7 View
I want to generate a custom database of translated proteins involved in a particular process and then blast them against my predicted protein sequences from the metagenome . I have downloaded all...
13 July 2020 2,915 1 View
We are missing some mass-spec raw files from 2017 and 2018 when deposition of raw files were not mandatory. Since most of the journals now require raw file availability through ProteomeXchange,...
15 June 2020 6,219 1 View
Dear researchers, I'm currently doing a study regarding on antiviral mechanism of selected plant using metabolomic approach. Plant extract (fruit) will be used and the virus model will be used is...
22 March 2020 6,064 2 View
What can be Biological reason behind a scenario, Where identification and Expression can be detected only in protein/peptide level and couldn't able to get any evidence for the same in mRNA level,...
11 March 2020 2,549 3 View