The systematic study of the complete complement of proteins (PROTEOME) of organisms. | Contact experts in Proteomics to get answers
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Questions related to Proteomics
Advantage of integrating genetic and proteomic screen results? Is there expected to be much overlap?
18 May 2019 1,428 2 View
Hey there! I have performed a quantitative proteomic analysis using TMT labelling and I have the results in an excel file as pairwise comparisons of every identified protein. Proteins were...
11 May 2019 1,908 11 View
I have an input file containing precursor mass and peak list (m/z and Intensity) of tandem mass spectrum. The file contains multiple spectrum data. I need to identify peptide using sequest and...
10 April 2019 8,519 4 View
We are trying to desalt a digest from an IP that has been separated by SDS-PAGE and ingel digested with trypsin (essentially as in Shevchenko et al. 2006). We make stagetips essentially by the...
09 April 2019 4,560 13 View
emPAI based label free quantitation
08 April 2019 2,881 3 View
In the data sheet from PD or Maxquant, there are many phosphopeptides which are derived from missed cleavage. That means one phosphosite is distributed to different peptides due to the missed...
02 April 2019 1,173 1 View
I am planning to LC/MS experiment to characterize the proteome of a specific biological fluid. I am mainly focused on detecting specific cleaved isoforms of my protein of interest. Is there any...
01 April 2019 9,971 3 View
Since fresh tissue samples cannot be collected in a short time, I want to use FFPE for protein modification research. Does anyone know which mass spectrometry technique should be used?I don't know...
01 March 2019 7,112 1 View
Hi Everyone Our group wants to compare protein expression levels in human serum samples. So we want to do some proteomics to get the list of differentially expressed proteins in those samples....
14 February 2019 5,985 3 View
I will be performing Mass Spectrometry-based proteomics after this.
19 January 2019 8,897 5 View
I have lists of enriched terms from GSEA, STRING, KEGG and reactome analysis of proteomics data. Is there a way that I can combine the lists to get and visualize a composite list of enriched terms?
18 January 2019 5,281 3 View
Hi everyone, I am planning to use data from clinical presentation, demoscopic images, proteomics and genomics to find out the correlation between each. The data are coming from the same patients....
10 January 2019 5,955 5 View
I need to pick one spot of my protein of interest, but in DIGE the same protein from different samples is placed in the same position. How can I separate the samples that are superposed in the...
19 December 2018 7,337 3 View
Does anybody know why Eksigent nanoLC Ultra system requires pressurized gas supply of 6.9 bar?
14 December 2018 1,968 7 View
Hi! I want to generate a list of putative binding partners for my protein of interest by essentially BLASTing for the ligand which binds to EVH1 domains, FPxΦP. Is there a database where I could...
11 December 2018 8,848 2 View
Hi everyone, I come across some information and publications online that recommend sample desalting after sample preparation (denaturation, reduction, cysteine blocking, digestion) prior to...
03 December 2018 5,468 7 View
The proteomics experiment should be designed in an existing transcriptomic experiment model. I will need help in determining the techniques used for my experiment and of course I will accept any...
22 October 2018 1,043 3 View
There are less overlap of biofluid proteomics results in different literatures How to explain the difference in proteomics results from different literatures?
20 October 2018 356 3 View
I have proteomic data from Mass spectrometry and I cannot classify them by function to relate them with their effect on my cells. The proteomic data is for a cellular extract. It has an...
25 September 2018 7,512 3 View
Is it possible that a microbe (such as a bacterium) stimulates plant growth, but in proteomics studies it turns out that this bacterium produces an abnormal protein in the plant? For example,...
24 September 2018 1,816 3 View
I am looking for some ligands which bind to particular parts of a protein. Here by ligands, I am pointing to a database of all known ligand structures. Is there anything available like that?...
21 September 2018 2,061 6 View
I am going to be working with a proteomics core to look at phosphorylation of signaling intermediates in response to a hormone of interest. I want to have a better understanding of mass...
03 September 2018 1,879 16 View
I am interested in looking at protein profile after the treatment on the breast cancer cells, using Proteomics. However, I am not quite sure about the time point at which it will be the best to do...
25 August 2018 6,720 3 View
How can I use Mascot for the interpretation of results as fold-change protein in quantification? it is possible to determine through spectral counting values obtained from the matches?
19 August 2018 6,393 6 View