Pharmacology is the branch of medicine and biology concerned with the study of drug action. | Contact experts in Pharmacology to get answers
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Questions related to Pharmacology
Honda Buffer: 20mM HEPES-KOH pH7.4, 10mM MgCl2, 0.44M Sucrose, 1.25% Ficoll (w/v), 2.5% Dextran T40 (w/v), 0.5% Triton X-100. Before use add 0.5mM DTT, 0.5mM PMSF.
15 November 2021 10,009 0 View
Hey everyone, We are exposing adult female mice to a neurotoxicant via oral gavage for roughly a week and would like to take blood samples throughout the week of exposure to assess toxin levels...
13 August 2021 2,783 2 View
In the literature, different fluoride formulations have been documented for the formation of fluorapatite.
19 July 2021 2,551 9 View
Can anyone provide IC50 values of temozolomide and doxorubicin against U87 Glioblastoma cells from cells survival assay (after 72 hours)? as well as against normal glial cells or normal skin...
19 July 2021 3,526 3 View
I need to inversely solve the heat flux and temperature at the interface from the measured temperature fields of the blank and die, I use the inverse calculation method to obtain the interface...
25 June 2021 2,765 0 View
By taking any program point and a boolean variable, can we perform an abstract slice based on the boolean property.
14 June 2021 260 0 View
Different methods were used to prepare enteric-coated granules. For example, you manufacture granules first and then coated them with Eudragit polymer by fludized bed . But I want to know how to...
31 May 2021 8,102 2 View
Hello! I am currently working on FRET using acceptor photobleaching. I have obtained images from a Zeiss 880 confocal. Using the ROI feature, I am able to calculate a 15-30% increase in the donor...
22 April 2021 9,498 4 View
I am in search for any software Developer who can join my Approved Project ADR Project-1, in clinical pharmacy (Adverse drug reaction). The required simulation based software will be designed and...
05 March 2021 4,060 3 View
Can anyone tell me the impact of setting wrong read length value i.e., 151 instead of 301 during sample-sheet preparation as well as in sequencer (MiSeq) for 16S metagenomic run? Actually during...
25 February 2021 9,545 0 View
A patient was given 300 mg Theophylline taken twice a day for the treatment of her bronchial asthma and has a positive clinical response. She has been compliant in taking her medication however,...
10 February 2021 3,764 3 View
I am looking for a chemical aromatase inhibitor that isn't also biologically active in other ways (or as minimally as possible). Any suggestions? Ideally, should be able to be ingested without...
06 February 2021 8,359 2 View
Is there a fluoride home application compliance test, that would tell the use of fluoride in past week or month? Something similar to the glycated hemoglobin test that tells you your average...
29 November 2020 207 5 View
I would like to pharmacologically increase presynaptic neurotransmitter release in mice CNS in vivo (through the extracellular micro-infusion of a compound). Which strategy would you recommand?...
03 November 2020 5,914 3 View
I have to come up with methods by which an arm could regenerate from the elbow down and I just need some suggestions into pathways that could work in humans to result in limb regeneration so that...
19 October 2020 6,594 3 View
Nitrosamine impurities evaluation, shall we consider API Structure in evaluation. 1. API structure contains Amines, in this case shall i considered API structure ? 2. API Structure contains...
07 October 2020 6,189 2 View
I want to do docking of Poly ICLC with protein. But, unfortunately there is no crystal structure for Poly ICLC or poly IC. Poly ICLC is a complex of Poly IC, poly lysine, and...
25 September 2020 6,353 1 View
I have to carry out certain assays with certain extracts
08 September 2020 3,205 0 View
These phytochemical compounds have been synthesized and are available in large quantities in commercial labs. Why are they not packaged as finished products for their pharmacological effects?
31 August 2020 5,338 3 View
I have just started my postgraduate studies, and I am a beginner who doesn't have knowledge or experience in critique the literature to find the bias or gaps. I want to review articles, but don't...
15 July 2020 5,904 2 View
I want to study the effect of free calcium ion in pharmacological cell based assay. I have around 15mM calcium in my samples. Can anybody suggest how can I chelate with chelating agent (EDTA, EGTA...
28 June 2020 3,980 3 View
My experiment was to determine the xanthine oxidase resistance activity of a sample. I want to determine the IC50 value from % inhibition. Image "data": is the raw data. Image "formula": is the...
23 June 2020 9,546 2 View
I have been searching the literature for a semi-comprehensive list of histone 1 PTM in humans but I have not been locate a list or partial list of PTM for H1.
09 June 2020 7,506 0 View
The one-way ANOVA analysis is important to find out whether measured pharmacological effects (the means and medians) observed for three or more drugs are distinct or they are due to a chance....
12 May 2020 4,799 6 View