Pharmacology is the branch of medicine and biology concerned with the study of drug action. | Contact experts in Pharmacology to get answers
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Questions related to Pharmacology
Hi, are there are any good public datasets on human samples with paired gene expression and metabolite data with clinical metadata? I am only aware of the Tang et al. analysis on breast cancers....
02 May 2020 3,822 0 View
I tested a biological agent in 96-well microplates, using 9 serial dilutions (1/2 to 1/1024) against three bacterial strains . It turns out that I didn’t get a dose-dependent response, that is,...
15 April 2020 10,125 10 View
Hello ! I'm looking for a tool (R or API if possible) which for a given pathway return genes and/or metabolites involved in it and their function in the pathway. Thanks in advance for your help !
25 March 2020 2,827 3 View
Differences in immune responses to emerging corona viruses and the difficulties of developping vaccines contribute to a surge in ARDS in vulnerable populations, leading to acute shortages and...
17 March 2020 3,751 26 View
I tried to submit an article to this journal which is ranked as Q1 but when I follow the link after submitting and review process before payment we discover another similar name , Advances in...
28 February 2020 542 2 View
Dear Fellow Researchers, We presented dose-response curves as supplementary information to a section of our study which has X-axis as Log[concentration] because the concentrations were graded...
26 February 2020 702 5 View
I’ve been looking at antibody like Ig’s, receptors that bind to transferrin, insulin, and LDL:LDLR but their main problem, excluding some immunoglobulins, is that they’re competitive...
10 February 2020 8,696 0 View
I am working on drug delivery to skin, I want to analysis the amount of the drug in dermis and epidermis layer. I have tried the heating method but it does not separate the layers from each other...
29 January 2020 8,880 3 View
We are analyzing RNA-seq data of virus-infected samples (n=5) and control samples (n=5). We plan to calculate the fold changes of read count between the virus-infected and control samples. We...
17 January 2020 8,563 4 View
Hi Catherine Nice to meet you by email. I'm completing my own research regarding immunotherapy in melanoma. I was interested in what aspect of these therapies you were interested in and how this...
14 January 2020 5,623 0 View
Hi all I'm looking for the following publication. I've not been able to come across it online. If anyone has a copy I'd really appreciate it! Burger, J. 1994. Metals in avian feathers:...
13 January 2020 2,009 4 View
I have a question related to severity assessment of ADR and that is if a patient is hospitalized due to some ADR caused by drug and has reported 6 adverse drug reactions for example, neutropenia,...
05 January 2020 6,440 3 View
I have a question related to the Seigel scale for severity assessment and that is if a patient is hospitalized due to some drug and has reported 6 adverse drug reactions for example, neutropenia,...
04 January 2020 2,086 3 View
Die weibliche Hanfpflanze beinhaltet rund 80 Cannabinoide, darunter CBD und das dem BtMG unterliegende THC. Ist es möglich, das CBD isoliert zu extrahieren und damit CBD-Produkte herzustellen,...
27 November 2019 8,508 0 View
How can I test the toxicity of isolated metabolites from plants in order to define the good concentration for animal design ???
01 November 2019 1,572 4 View
Many experimental data suggest differences in resistance and sensitivity, predisposition and response to drugs in those strains. For instance, addiction and tolerance are more pronounced in CD-1...
10 October 2019 5,598 1 View
Why do Anticancer drugs kill a constant fraction of cells (Log-kill Hypothesis) rather than a constant number of cells ?
19 September 2019 3,803 1 View
Quetiapine has pharmacological properties that cover almost the entire spectrum of currently known anti-psychotic, anti-depressive medications, among others. The dose of Quetiapine can be used to...
20 August 2019 7,408 3 View
What is the use of adverse drug reactions? How sentiment analysis is used to extract adr reviews? Who are the beneficiary for this field?
19 July 2019 3,747 3 View
I would like to research on the experiences of people with dementia. I know I would like to use interviews, tape recording however I am struggling on finding a methodology. I had thought of IPA...
29 May 2019 7,957 3 View
when two different plant species are examined separately for the same pharmacologic effect in preclinical screening studies, they do produce significant effect for a certain pharmacological...
23 May 2019 9,973 3 View
Why we are boiling the sample at 95 c and for 90 min
23 May 2019 1,472 2 View
I don't know anyone who is expert in this field. I don't have facility to conduct it too. I have done extraction and some characterization on the basis of literature review.
14 May 2019 7,911 2 View
Hi all, We are planning to systemically deliver a synthetic pharmacological compound in rats. When looking for specific dosage and administration protocols, we only found studies with mice....
06 May 2019 3,848 5 View