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Questions related to Nucleic Acids
after adding phenol/chloroform to cells from culture and centrifugation, we get 3 layers. Upper 2 have RNA and DNA, while lower one (phenol) has proteins. can I extract these proteins? Which...
04 April 2015 8,387 2 View
After the dsDNA nucleic acid enter the nucleus of the host cell it is transcribed from host DdRp II to form 2 strands of mRNA complementary to the 2 DNA strands of the virus nucleic acid. Does...
04 April 2015 7,503 2 View
I'm searching for prices for materials used in graphene based biosensors detecting nucleic acids or other biological samples (pH, electrolytes,antigens.....) using different detection techniques...
03 March 2015 8,659 2 View
Does this mean that ssRNA or ssDNA can preserve some folded structure or local base pairing, in high denaturating conditions, such as 50% formamide and 8 M urea? Or is there another mechanism of...
03 March 2015 6,972 5 View
These models could fulfill GUM principles (modelling and empirical models) or not.
03 March 2015 8,365 4 View
Lateral gene transfer phenomenon is an important factor that should be considered during the utilization of GMOs as food sources since the transfer of antibiotic or pesticide resistance genes to...
03 March 2015 4,170 2 View
Although I am not able to evaluate the methods I believe that this work just published (attached) offers the expected results, for new ways to look at the pathophysiology. If the results can be...
03 March 2015 5,665 10 View
I want to ablate a subset of cells in live mammalian tissue explants and watch how the surrounding cells develop. I am looking for a vital dye to label nuclei that is also photo-bleachable,...
03 February 2015 2,324 2 View
02 February 2015 3,859 2 View
Simultaneous Extraction of RNA and DNA Using Ambion's ToTALLY RNA™ RNA Isolation Kit
01 January 2015 4,778 4 View
I want to know the role of nucleic acids as growth promoting factors. In general our bodies are capable of synthesizing nucleic acids but we consume a vast amount of nucleic acids through our...
01 January 2015 5,333 0 View
What time and concentration of NaCl is required?
01 January 2015 5,841 3 View
For determining the DNA DNA hybridization between two type strain species Can SYBR qPCR master be used or only SYBR GREEN nucleic acid stain can be used?
01 January 2015 3,093 1 View
Nucleic acid enzymes and binding proteins expressed in E. coli can have bound RNA as well as DNA. Are there specific methods for removing RNA versus DNA?
12 December 2014 4,920 7 View
Normally, DNA and RNA polymerization is realized by polymerases, using nucleoside triphosphates. The energy for the reaction is obtained from chopping off diphosphate group. I'm curious: is there...
12 December 2014 3,445 1 View
Among these three DNA-quantification system, I have experience with NanoDrop (Thermo). However, I don't have any experience with others. According to the supplier's info, Qubit® 2.0 Fluorometer...
12 December 2014 2,550 3 View
hello guys, I am planning to do RACE but confused to choose the kit. If anyone having good experience, please suggest me the name.
30 November 2014 3,553 4 View
I need to measure plasma membrane ATPase and would like a detailed protocol of how to prepare ATP to be added as a substrate. I have read that some researchers do it in dowex 50W, but I am not...
11 November 2014 2,811 2 View
chemistry researchers
11 November 2014 4,575 2 View
11 November 2014 2,124 5 View
What is the reason that most protocols use sealable ultracentrifuge tubes for CsCl gradients? Is it just for safety because of nucleic acid stain or is there another reason?
11 November 2014 2,554 3 View
11 November 2014 1,737 3 View
Recently we have found that Chelerythrine, a benzophenanthridine alkaloid induce self structure formation in polyriboadenylic acid but the binding is non-cooperative.
11 November 2014 734 2 View
I am experiencing a contamination problem in my DNA extracts. I did DNA extraction from water samples using phenol/chloroform. However, I do get a shoulder/high peak at 230 nm whereas there is a...
24 October 2014 7,715 5 View