Microbiology is a broad term which includes virology, mycology, parasitology, bacteriology, immunology and other branches. | Contact experts in Microbiology to get answers
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Questions related to Microbiology
Dear resarchers, I have mouse liver slides stained with Sirius red that I need to score for fibroosis. I would like to ask if someone can provide med with practical guidance on how to score?...
03 November 2020 6,954 0 View
I am trying to grow S.aureus NCTC 6571 in Cation-adjusted Mueller Hinton Broth. I need this to be at a starting inoculum of 10^5CFU/ml for antimicrobial susceptibility testing. I am diluting...
02 November 2020 3,794 4 View
Hello everyone, I have collected a fecal sample and dissolved it in 1mL of TSB broth. Then I have serially diluted the sample to 9 dilutions. In this condition, I have taken the 5th dilution, 7th...
02 November 2020 4,393 10 View
Between tap water, distilled water, double distilled water and deionized water, which one is mostly recommended to be used to prepare agar media for microbiological purposes?
26 October 2020 6,285 34 View
We are examining tissue from a cluster of human and canine patients with a similar pattern of systemic illness of unknown cause. All members of the cluster have evidence of motile zoospore-like...
24 October 2020 4,736 3 View
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a type of staph bacteria that has developed an immunity to antibiotics commonly used to treat staph infections. MRSA is usually not detected...
21 October 2020 8,623 8 View
Hello, From my understanding, there are two ways to add polyA tails to RNA. 1) with polyA polymerase (PAP) and ATP to RNA or 2) with terminal transferase (TdT) plus dATP and ddATP to ssDNA...
19 October 2020 6,259 2 View
I need older protocols that predate pcr, on halophilic or halotolerant bacteria. Looking forward to receiving your answers, thank you.
14 October 2020 8,222 5 View
Hi, I want to predict operons on entire bacterial genomes (already annotated). I used to use operon-mapper ( https://academic.oup.com/bioinformatics/article/34/23/4118/5040321), which is great but...
08 October 2020 7,480 7 View
Hi, I would like to prepare anaerobic medium for cultivation of gut microflora. I have an anaerobic chamber. How should I remove oxygen from the medium? Is it enough to leave it for 48 hours in...
06 October 2020 3,335 4 View
As part of a research project i have obtained plant root samples that are currently frozen. I need to isolate bacterial DNA from the plant root, however i first need to remove the possible...
22 September 2020 3,192 3 View
Any medical practitioner ,virologist, epidemiologist, microbiologist, molecular biologist, or geneticist here that is willing to help me with my assignment. I would like to clear things out...
13 September 2020 955 6 View
I am looking for some microbiologists with experience with S. cerevisiae sporulation. I am trying to do a high throughput sporulation experiment with 96 or 384 yeast strains on a single plate.
11 September 2020 8,114 3 View
Hi, I want to buy some of the surfactant Silwet-70 to use for improving transformation frequency in cereal crops as described in publications at the following links: Developing a flexible,...
05 September 2020 775 4 View
Hello, I am researching into how bacteria communicate. What I've found is that they use quorum-sensing*, and electrical signals**. I've also come across the ability to "speak and listen"***, but I...
04 September 2020 9,373 8 View
What are the best Journal Indexing Services?
31 August 2020 7,884 80 View
I want to analyze some microbiological data, but I only have 3 repetitions. 1. I don't think I can apply a Shapiro-Wilk test with robustness because the sample size is small. Is it true? 2....
26 August 2020 5,381 6 View
When you get a clear view of your organisms and you need pictorial documentation, it becomes problematic. What are your experiences and suggestions?
24 August 2020 3,564 3 View
Out of 50 mg/ml stock solution of plant extract, 20 μl is taken which is equivalent to 1000 μg/ml and transfer to 5 ml of broth (first tube). Other tubes were filled with 4 ml of broth and 1 ml is...
18 August 2020 3,935 27 View
I have data on a bacteria (Group B Strep) that colonizes women but it can also cause infection (it's a sneaky little bug). I want to see if there is a difference between pregnant and non-pregnant...
14 August 2020 5,925 10 View
This data is from a microbiological evaluation of streetfood locally sold in our region. Thanks.
13 August 2020 6,137 3 View
We have lab established culture setup of marine synechococcus PCC 7002 sp. and heterotrophic bacteria. Recently we did metagenomic analysis of it (sequencing was done by an outside reputed...
13 August 2020 361 11 View
I need these to evaluate the data I obtained from my study. Thanks
11 August 2020 7,619 12 View
hello dear microbiologist Am kinda new and still learning SPSS I want to know what kind of tests should I run for AST results I see lots of paper use chi square. And can anyone provide me with...
11 August 2020 10,112 4 View