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Questions related to Immunology Techniques
I want to titrate my rabbit anti-human FPR1 antibody and would like to perform the titration on cells that I know strongly express FPR1 on their surface.
30 October 2015 9,575 3 View
10 October 2015 1,784 4 View
Hello, is anyone working with hycult ELISA kits to detect Factor H, Factor D and MBL and could somebody tell me which sample dilution is using???. The manual gives me different ranges of dilution...
10 October 2015 2,672 2 View
The cells that bind the antigen I vaccinate with appear larger and more granular than follicular B2 cells (which can be sorted via 70 micron nozzle). The identity of the cells was verified with...
10 October 2015 1,787 3 View
We have currently in the lab only human cytokines and I wonder if the homology is big enough to be used to stimulate mouse cells or whether it is necessary to order mouse cytokines for this purpose.
10 October 2015 8,140 5 View
We want to analyze the immune response against a protein. Our approach is to make intra-muscular injections of a plasmid that encodes for the expression of the protein. (We do not have enough AAV...
10 October 2015 1,845 3 View
I was wondering what is the best way to isolate neutrophils from the bone marrow without activation. what is the approximate number of cells will I get from one mouse 8-12 weeks? there is a couple...
10 October 2015 5,767 5 View
I tried to use irradiated pig PBMC to stimulate human PBMC. The proliferation seems low (8%-20%). Is it normal? Has anyone had any experience?
16 September 2015 8,396 2 View
I wanted to check the expression of a protein of 14Kda MW by Western Blot technique. I used 15% and 12.5% SDS PAGE gels and semi dry transfer method. No bands were visible even after loading 100...
09 September 2015 10,070 10 View
I am using fibroblasts to test anti-inflammatory nature of an herb. found a paper (below) that uses bovine serum albumin. Has anyone used this or know of another low-cost...
09 September 2015 6,895 4 View
In experiments to test antigen presentation to mouse or human cells, COS cells are often transfected with an antigen plus a mouse or human MHC molecule. My question is why the mouse and human...
09 September 2015 5,058 5 View
Hi, Dear all, I want to measure human serum IL-1beta and TNF-alpha by using precoated sandwich ELISA kits from BD. I am getting serum absorbance values lower than the zero standard/blanks. I am...
09 September 2015 7,043 3 View
I am trying to detect cytokines TNF and IL1B in primary rat glia culture media (high cofluency, no phenol red) after 40 min treatment with amyloid b oligomers. Unfortunately I could never reach...
09 September 2015 3,409 5 View
I cultured human CD34+ cells in 96 # 7days for randomly differentiated. Some cells(I am not sure…) are “bold". What are those big cells? I marked them in the pdf file.
09 September 2015 2,334 1 View
Hi all, can anybody suggest proteases that can be use for removal of C-terminal histidine without leaving any non-native residues. Thanks!
09 September 2015 6,853 4 View
We are not seeing any differential expression of EMT markers like vimentin or E/N-Cadherin in HepG2 and Hep3B cells even after 96 hours of TGFb2 (5ng/ml) and TNFa treatment (20ng/ml, in media...
08 August 2015 2,909 3 View
I am trying to see if we can differentiate the amount of water in standard excipients( containing both free water and water of crystallization)
08 August 2015 7,075 3 View
I am going to compare dendritic cells from WT/knock mice for their ability to activate T cells, What i am planing is to activate OT II T cells together with DCs and OVA. I am new to this field,...
08 August 2015 2,239 3 View
For doing HLA Cross match T cell and B cell, I need to separate WBC from whole blood using a cell separation media ( HISTOPREP, separation medium for cells). In some case i need to face a problem,...
08 August 2015 4,674 10 View
I am looking for some information regarding innate lymphoid cells isolation and characterization from mouse gut. Best markers and techniques to have those cells. Thank you in advance.
08 August 2015 7,482 11 View
08 August 2015 9,659 3 View
I´m trying to stain senescent cells along with the apoptotic ones and for some reason I cannot stain for Caspase 3 on top of X-gal staining. This is why I was suggested that it would be a good...
08 August 2015 9,348 3 View
i could transfer only high molecular weight proteins. And also i couldnot see ponceau Stain for low molecular weight proteins in nitrocellulose membrane (0.45).kindly provide suggestions.
08 August 2015 8,042 13 View
I am stimulating whole blood directly after collection with LPS and IFNg (trying to avoid fickle-paque). Using the above mentioned Ab, when staining the blood at 0 timepoint, the subset look very...
07 July 2015 2,301 7 View