The cells that bind the antigen I vaccinate with appear larger and more granular than follicular B2 cells (which can be sorted via 70 micron nozzle). The identity of the cells was verified with B220/IgLk/IgD/IgM/CD23 and CD5 markers.
To accommodate with a larger B1a cells isolated from the peritoneal cavity of mice, you should use the BD FACSAria cell sorter. According to our experience, the latter’ high-speed sorting has never been easier to set up and perform. Advances in instrument design give the BD FACSAria system improved sort performance without sacrificing results. The nozzle tip is keyed into a fixed position at the end of the cuvette ensuring reproducible stream alignment into the waste aspirator every time. Fixed nozzle alignment ensures the stream will return to the same spot after a nozzle tip is removed and reattached. What makes BD FACSAria cell sorter appropriate to your very research is it has up to 100-micron nozzle tip size designed to accommodate most cell types you would use. What we’d liked working with BD FACSAria cell sorter was that the nozzle sizes enable sorting at a variety of pressures and speeds. The optional automated cell deposition unit sorts into BD Multiwell™ plates and onto microscope slides.