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Questions related to Cancer Research
I'm involved in writing a review of surgical approaches to a very rare type of tumour. So rare that, forget randomised control trials comparing treatment options, here there are only about 80...
30 August 2016 8,155 3 View
Intestinal flora will affect the DNA or RNA detection of colorectal cancer?
29 August 2016 3,080 2 View
Could anybody please tell me what are the different types of cells that originate from HNSCC patient samples. What are the type of studies that it can be used for? I understand there are...
26 August 2016 460 2 View
As part of my research work, I have to perform TUNEL assay in in vivo. Can anyone suggest me some good kits which are economical, based on their experience?
26 August 2016 7,414 2 View
Hi everyone, I'm trying to evaporate FBS+DMSO from frozen cells without disturbing it. I have had a (stupid?) idea of use a SpeedVac, but I don't what temperature and rpm I should use. Can...
26 August 2016 7,038 5 View
I've prepared a few qPCR plates with SYBR green master mix I from roche. But I won't be able to run them until next week (3-4 days) due to some technical difficulties. What is the best way of...
26 August 2016 4,243 3 View
As part of my research work, I have to perform apoptosis assay with animal tissues. I wish to know, whether Propidium Iodide uptake assay be done in rat heart/ liver tissues.
26 August 2016 1,834 3 View
Hi, Three times when I have transferred proteins from a 10% SDS-PAGE gel to a nitrocellulose membrane proteins smaller than 50kDa weren't detected. I have used fresh gels, changed the current,...
26 August 2016 7,504 11 View
I have some parraffin blocks with cells extracted from gastric cancer patient and healthy patients. So far, I did not find a marker which was exclusively expressed in gastric cancer. Does anybody...
25 August 2016 8,862 3 View
Hello I am cloning nanog in pCDNA vector but after ATG I dont have G for kozak sequence can I add just ccacc before ATG can you help me?
25 August 2016 5,715 3 View
Dear colleagues and professors. I have synthesized new phosholipid polymer. This polymer has two terminal hydrophobic moities ( i.e. the carbon chain backbone and the tail in the monomer units),...
25 August 2016 1,205 5 View
I am working on Lung cancer with wistar rat. Lung cancer is induced by NNK s.c injection for 16 weeks. Few days back, i noticed the presence of Blood on the tip of rat nose with alteration of body...
19 August 2016 4,108 1 View
I am looking at head and neck cancers before and after irradiation treatment. We want to look at protein changes between the two. Can anyone recommend any protein profilers / protein chips they...
18 August 2016 8,384 3 View
I do cancer research and i am looking into efficacy of a novel compound in treating a subtype of leukaemia. What I trying to assess is if there is synergy of this compound with other chemotherapy...
18 August 2016 9,248 8 View
I tried to build this model by percutaneous injection to the right lung under the X-ray. But cancer cells are spread to the pleural cavity and left lung. Has anyone has any good idea?
08 August 2016 4,748 4 View
i have got Band pattern on agarose gel, now i need to analysis this results and have to prepare dendogram from this results, so what should i do? What do polymorphic and monomorphic bands means in...
07 August 2016 3,919 4 View
Hello, I'm looking for an antibody against HNF4A that work for pancreas (that label HNF4A in the beta cells), I tried one from sigma and 3 from abcam, it works well in the liver but no signal in...
05 August 2016 3,632 3 View
I need to induce autophagy in hela cells for my experiment. Theoretically it is simple. 4 hours of starvation in EBSS medium should do the trick according to literature. However, after the...
31 July 2016 9,232 8 View
I isolated a large amount (I hope) of exosomes and I need to quantify the membrane proteins with a Bradford assay before doing a WB. I started off with 70 ml of conditioned medium which I managed...
12 July 2016 8,414 8 View
I have some compounds which are supposedly glucose transport inhibitors on cancer cells A549 and H1299. I have worked with almost 20 such compounds. I have used concentration of 30 μM for glucose...
30 June 2016 9,976 9 View
Hi I'm trying to design a simple cube-shaped DNA origami with specific dimensions from just single stranded DNA oligos. Since there is no specific scaffold the origami is based on, cadnano is...
17 June 2016 424 3 View
Can we use hMSC in mice/rat models which are not immuno compromised?
13 June 2016 6,054 6 View
I've used BsmBI from NEB to digest LentiGuide-puro vector (for CRISPR) multiple times: 1ul BsmBI + 5ul buffer 3.1 + 2~3ug vector + water = 50ul system, 55C. I found that when the incubation time...
10 June 2016 4,529 14 View
several old studies says no, more recent studies says yes. Robert Bell in 1870 used raw salad to increase amygdalin in cancer patients and used saliva to detect the presence. Several sources say...
03 June 2016 8,724 4 View