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Questions related to Cancer Research
I want to conduct a systematic review comparing two new treatment modalities. But unfortunately, no studies compared them before . can I make indirect comparison between thier effect versus the...
13 September 2016 8,880 9 View
In my experiments the tumor injection and growth is subcutaneous in the neck. Is it OK to locate the micro-chip (7mm*1.5mm) also in the neck, at separate sides as much as possible? Is it...
12 September 2016 9,726 2 View
Hi there , I'm trying to do tumorigenesis recently . 1 week after injecting 2 X 10^6 cells in nude mice I observed small bumps under mice skin, and I thought they are tumors. But in the second...
12 September 2016 6,638 8 View
I am looking for the mouse/rat model of septic peritonitis. Can someone suggest working method or give publication link. Thanks
12 September 2016 4,162 3 View
I am trying to determine my drug's target using biotinylated compound. I'm using the shortest version of EZ-link NHS biotin (linker is 13 A). The compound binds to my streptavidin beads, but I am...
12 September 2016 6,869 1 View
I am going over a reviewer's comments for my paper and being new to the research world I am not sure what the reviewer means when he/she is asking me whether the inhibitory effect of my product...
11 September 2016 9,399 7 View
I want to know the protocols to deplete MDSCs in mice bearing 4T1 tummors with particular emphasis on : 1. Which regimen of MDSC depletion (anti-Gr1 or Gemcitabine??) is better? 2. Dose and...
08 September 2016 8,512 4 View
I've done several techniques to transfect shRNA-containing plasmid into A549. The techniques that i've done including calcium phosphate, lipo 3000, neon transfection. Now i planned to try...
07 September 2016 8,862 4 View
I have a doudt in adding protease inhibitor. Should i add the cocktail both in cell lysis buffer and column buffer to prevent my protein from degradation during purification and while storage? or...
07 September 2016 4,149 4 View
Additionally, does it depend on the tissue? How might a CD4+ T cell be aided by expressing CD8 at low levels?
07 September 2016 3,191 5 View
considering using G-Rex culturing system to expand NKT cells
06 September 2016 1,190 2 View
Some articles say that use Histopaque 1083 and 1119 can islotion neutrophils from rat peripheral blood ,but i can not see a clear neutrophil layer anymore ?can someone give me a method for it ,please.
06 September 2016 2,679 1 View
I am trying to find papers that explain how to induce epigenetics modifications in a controlled manner while keeping track of these modifications? is there a way to do so? I would really...
06 September 2016 10,045 3 View
Hello, After using this kit, I forgot to put it back at -20°C during the weekend. Thus I was wondering if I can use it or if I have to order a new one. Best, Quentin
05 September 2016 1,998 2 View
i seeded 1000 cells and it has been 2 days, what to do?
05 September 2016 1,989 5 View
want to know how do you detrmain the necessary dose of silver nanoparticles to treatment colon cancer in mice?
04 September 2016 9,100 1 View
I am doing frozen section IHC and HE staining. But after all I found my tissue shrinkage. I have several problems. 1. The main problem is on the hematoxylin staining after IHC. When I finished all...
03 September 2016 4,078 4 View
Hi everyone I am planning to use the Qiagen RT2 Profiler PCR array for signaling pathways. Is it really necessary to use the RT2 SYBR Green Mastermixes and the RT2 First Strand Kit with the...
01 September 2016 8,309 5 View
Dental Pulp is rich in blood supply but no metastasis is reported till date
01 September 2016 6,370 3 View
Why TNF in dose of 100ng/ml doesn't kill my cells in MTT assay? and S1P doesn't protect these cells from necrosis?
01 September 2016 9,357 3 View
Hello, I am testing the effect of pharmaceuticals against estrogen responsive breast cancer - using MCF7 cells in NOD SCID IL2RGnull mice. I transplant usually an estrogen releasing pellet under...
31 August 2016 5,687 6 View
I am working with a Peptide that targets renal carcinoma. I have checked the binding with 769-P cells in vitro. Now i want to develop an in vivo tumor model using 769-P cells. But most the...
31 August 2016 842 3 View
Hello everyone, I'm starting working with SW48 colon cancer cells in vivo, and I wondered if Matrigel is needed for a subcutaneous injection. And, how much cells do you generally inject? Thanks...
31 August 2016 1,977 3 View
Hello, Do any one know how TCGA database works? any tutorial to show ho to use it and interpret the data? Also, any idea about any database website that shows the expression level of specific...
30 August 2016 1,642 3 View