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Questions related to Buffer
Given the possible risk of blood transfusion as a mode of transmission for blood-borne illnesses, it is vital to know about the transfusion-transmissible infections prevalent among blood donors....
02 September 2023 6,874 3 View
Dear all, I have a list of about 800 genes and I would like to annotate associated disorders/diseases. If possible, I would like to add some disease groups as well (e.g. if the disorder is an...
02 September 2023 4,037 5 View
I am doing Elisa using Alkaline Phosphatase and Pnpp. Pnpp is in powder form, I have made pnpp solution in a concentration of 10mg/10ml using phosphate buffer.. But the problem is I am not getting...
31 August 2023 1,156 2 View
Hey all I tried reviving the HaCaT cell line using the standard protocol for cell revival. However, they aren't attached to the flask even after 72 hours. The cell lines were stored in August...
30 August 2023 7,713 3 View
Where can I find the tag to open a new submission? What additional attributes should be set to filter brunch of the specific subject for people searching for papers in specific area?
30 August 2023 1,696 1 View
What role do microRNAs play in arrhythmogenesis, and can they serve as potential therapeutic targets?
29 August 2023 1,292 1 View
Hello, I don't understand the difference in what you can see after running your DNA on an urea or an alkaline gel. I know how alkaline works: high pH, hydrogen bonds are prevented, as a result...
28 August 2023 5,725 3 View
Dear Community, I want to align SmartSeq platform-based single-cell data to the human genome using Alevin and/or StarSolo and then create a Seurat object. My data is paired-end. Each FASTQ file...
25 August 2023 6,416 0 View
x12=(data$oilp) x21=(data$`AKD-hos`) group=cbind(x12,x21) model_fit=BEKK11(group) it is requested i have got the results of BEKK-GARCH model, but now i need code for conditional covariance if...
25 August 2023 1,053 0 View
There are a few chemicals in lab that have storage temperature of 15-25 °C. how to store these chemicals in a place where yearly room temperature is above or below this recommended temperature....
24 August 2023 5,452 1 View
How is API administered in scholarly work?
23 August 2023 4,981 4 View
May I ask why the cells have fluorescence after the target gene is knocked in by the gene editing method, and the genome is extracted after the monoclone is screened, and then PCR is performed,...
21 August 2023 5,942 3 View
Is there any specific procedure / protocol to immunosuppress the mice and then to induce colon cancer using CT-26 cells? Can anyone suggest any specific immunosuppressors that can be used for...
18 August 2023 5,976 0 View
My team mates and me have a problem with a lentiviral aggregation. We don't know how sucrose could impact in the aggregation explained. Could anyone solve this question please?
18 August 2023 8,445 0 View
I have hydrolyzed my protein in 5 ml of 6N HCL and diluted the hydrolysate in 100 ml. Now, i have to run my sample on LC-MS. Therefore, i have to remove Cl ion from my samples before injecting it...
16 August 2023 4,921 3 View
I dissolve 5 mg cccp in 1ml dmso then dilute 400 microliter it in 5 ml Bacterial suspension. When i centrifuge the falcon to obtain Bacterial pellet, cccp ppt with Bacterial pellet.
16 August 2023 3,180 0 View
Do herbivores have lower production efficiency and why is the transfer of energy from plants to herbivores less efficient?
15 August 2023 2,563 0 View
I just want to know if it is possible to pool previously isolated and identified bacterial strains (biomass or DNA) and then making a metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGS) assembly, instead of...
13 August 2023 6,911 2 View
I have been using this isolation kit for a long time and I am now just noticing that my yield has been progressively reducing.
11 August 2023 6,433 0 View
I am trying to fluorescently label RNA and purifying the labeled RNA further. The protocol recommends using gel filtration based membrane in the spin columns.
11 August 2023 2,316 1 View
Hello, community, What is the storage condition for NHS (N-hydroxysuccinimide)? NHS is hygroscopic and some vendors mention the recommended storage condition as 4 degree Celsius. The label of...
09 August 2023 6,328 0 View
Could anyone help me to perform EMSA for Pu22 oligonucleotide with a small molecule?? The bound DNA and unbound DNA was not observed when we performed the assay in TBE buffer with voltage 70-100V...
07 August 2023 3,526 1 View
I want to do a drug screening assay in a 96well plate and test protein level of cytokines with elisa.
03 August 2023 2,547 2 View
May I get any idea about the development of homogeneous road section and its limitation
03 August 2023 3,726 1 View