111 Questions 190 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Anatoly A Khripov
Dear Sirs, Could you advise on modern computer programs that models brain, namely solving physics and math problems? Maybe there is a research on a robot who does not only think but conduct...
10 October 2019 1,401 1 View
Dear Sirs, Everybody knows plane and spherical wave solutions of Maxwell equations, e.g for decaying plane wave E=E0*exp(-kx)*cos(w(t-x/v)). But seems to me they give the unreal situation that...
10 October 2019 453 14 View
Dear Sirs, I would be grateful for references and explanations.
10 October 2019 4,445 2 View
Thank you your clarifications.
10 October 2019 4,231 2 View
Thank you for the references and explanations
10 October 2019 6,475 6 View
Dear Sirs, The setup for the dispersion measurement is as follows. Hg lamp, collimator, goniometer with triangular prism. We measure the light dispersion using the prism. To do so we determine...
10 October 2019 9,581 8 View
Dear Sirs, Java applets are not supported by most browsers excepting internet explorer. I run my java applet from IE 11 but still have one problem. I can not cut and paste the data from the...
03 March 2019 1,639 4 View
What are private criteria of memory accuracy? I do not know answer but I think that maybe the answer is absent in principal!!! I request you to reply on the question. Let you remember some fact...
04 April 2018 2,633 0 View
Prof. Hawking worries about we are intermediate species and soon new creatures will appear, e.g. ai-robots. Maybe the situation is more fantastic. it will be men with new abilities, maybe even...
11 November 2017 827 7 View
Did any matematichian liking classics did it ? You know 7 notes, 7 colors, etc. Some composers were synesthets (has mixed senses about an object, sound) (Skrjabin e.g.). What picture or what non...
08 August 2017 502 4 View
A human is an ability to eat, to walk, to memorize, to think, to rightly express your moods. Then he goes to work as electrician, musician, physicicist, physician, etc. All these human activity...
08 August 2017 706 12 View
I mean completely to change his memory, thinking, moods, actions. Or nature has a protection mechanism from this "hacking"? Maybe this protection should be due to the presence of...
08 August 2017 8,149 0 View
Entelecheia of Aristotel, theory of vitalism - how living creature raised? Are there forces which made it, made so complicated living world in the Earth? Now we are afraid of computers, so called...
08 August 2017 1,116 0 View
There were many models (like Barnett, magnetic matter inclusions ones) to explain the Earth magnetism. But there were failed. The Earth magnetic field was reoriented some times. What are reasons...
08 August 2017 6,300 8 View
For example nuclear magnetic resonance and other spectroscopies have a important property that they works only at a certain frequency (or short interval of them) due to quantum mechanical discrete...
08 August 2017 9,025 3 View
When we see a known man at the street we recognize him. Maybe the somewhat similar process is in memory process when the object is absent in reality? Let me suppose we decided to remember...
07 July 2017 4,936 0 View
Do we have a scanner that images the movement of action potential from one neuron to the other? I am grateful for the articles regarding memory and perception. Thank you
07 July 2017 1,806 7 View
Let us look at the physical law as the information. Has this information his own laws, rules? Could we even say so? Can we consider the laws of the information, say imagine the " life" of the...
06 June 2017 8,290 1 View
And there are specific physical interactions, forces?
06 June 2017 8,414 0 View
Can such finite euclidean geometry be applied in classical physics and technics instead of classical geometry? Thank you for the article on such strange and rare question
05 May 2017 2,042 2 View
DNA code can be modified by physicians. Today humans possibly will disappear, computer will live instead... What do you expect at the end of the scienfitic progress? Computers? Why must they...
05 May 2017 8,587 2 View
What moves us? It seems to me the key question I ask. Billion years created very complex biological creatures in air, land, in sea. This evolution has some laws and rules. Is this "ancient...
05 May 2017 3,971 4 View
What is the physical coordinate system, how do we determine a motion in physics if General relativity space-time continuum is not directly measured? What is the GR space-time continuum, is it...
05 May 2017 402 2 View
I mean the article here https://techcrunch.com/2016/11/22/googles-ai-translation-tool-seems-to-have-invented-its-own-secret-internal-language/ Could anybody explain it in popular way!
02 February 2017 6,282 4 View
How does a human make our civil progress possible? How do cars, planes, submarines, rockets, explosives, etc. appear in our reality? Maybe today supercomputers and biologists study the inventor...
02 February 2017 9,934 0 View
I mean we can not feel it, analyze it, understand, investigate it by ourselfs (without science), we can only use it similar to our ability to walk, eat, etc. And mental abilities are only...
02 February 2017 8,607 0 View
Dear physicists! In many physics textbooks the authors say that it was concluded on the basis of experimental tests that the euclidean geometry is valid in the huge range, from 10^(-15) to 10^26...
02 February 2017 735 2 View
Here I do not consider effects of special and general relativity theory!! I know only (maybe it is a tale) that Gauss measured using theodolite that 3 rocks form the triangle with the angles sum...
02 February 2017 8,534 0 View
I am looking forward to get references on experiments. I would be grateful of any comments
02 February 2017 2,393 7 View
Atom contains nucleus and electrons and mainly a void between them. So the matter in this sense contains almost nothing except the space. What geometry type of space is there? Any suggestions? I...
02 February 2017 3,418 12 View
Physical laws consequences (not the physical laws itself, geometry laws ltself and other math) are checked in real nature. Seems to me this circumstance generates the feeling that the physics is...
10 October 2016 4,022 4 View
Dear all, Many times I write questions then choose the topic where I want they appear and finally I do not see these questions in the chosen topic! It continues many times! What is it? Bug,...
10 October 2016 969 2 View
Here is a quote from Euclid elements: 1. A point is that of which there is no part. 2. And a line is a length without breadth. 5. And a surface is that which has length and breadth...
10 October 2016 8,176 0 View
Dear Sirs, Some sudden thoughts I have now. Please be true to put me in my place. If you do not work as a specialist (a physicist, a physician, a driver and so on) within of human society you do...
10 October 2016 7,467 2 View
Dear sirs, I would be appreciate of your comment
10 October 2016 1,577 0 View
Is he Newton?
10 October 2016 2,730 0 View
I would like to know about this issue. Is it possible or it is a fantastic?
10 October 2016 3,963 0 View
Maybe it is stupid question. But Do really physics or mathematics makes a man more clever in real life in sense he can be a millionaire or a president of big company?
09 September 2016 9,560 8 View
Sometimes it seems to me yes, sometimes - no. Maybe it depends on my own feeling at the corresponding moment. To "understand" music your heart should be opened for music emotions. So what is music...
09 September 2016 6,974 2 View
Dear Sirs, I would be grateful for detailed description of this disease and the reeferences. Are there different stages of megalomania, less or more strong ones? To what extent the megalomania is...
09 September 2016 1,899 0 View
We go to school, to university, choose a profession for some reason. What is this reason (I mean the reason to receive, memorize and use later the knowledge) truly? Seems to me it is herd...
09 September 2016 1,153 2 View
Dear Sirs, Let`s imagine the case. I am staying at the crossroad. I would like to cross the street but the red light is on. Why am I staying? What biological process manages myself? Could we...
09 September 2016 4,915 5 View
Dear Sirs, I understand that this question is rather a story for some new movie :):). But anyway what neurologists say about the world of neurons in popular fashion? Are there any "creatures"...
09 September 2016 7,878 1 View
Dear Sirs, On my believe our behavior is managed grossly by our emotions embedded in us. For example I do not like smoke but I smoked sometimes when I was young. I do not like so much alcohol...
09 September 2016 1,478 10 View
General relativity uses the coordinates and time that can be somehow curved. Relatively to what they are curved? Relatively to straight line coordinate system? If so how can we determine this...
09 September 2016 1,052 5 View
The essense of Lorenz transformation as derived by Einstein (from 2 principles) is to justify the constant light velocity. To obtain the Lorentz coordinate transformations he says that in the two...
09 September 2016 7,093 89 View
Dear Sirs, 1. What is an origin of our behavior, actions? Are there (origins) instincts, other stuff which is programmed in us? 2. What is our very complicated knowledge (our language,...
09 September 2016 511 19 View
Dear Sirs, The metric defined in general relativity theory needs a coordinate system for the metric measurement. How is it practically achieved? The space-time is curved. But relatively to what...
09 September 2016 3,443 0 View
Are point, line, plane, other undetermined notions, rules of mathematical proof products of our brain solely?????!!! I do not see any other variants :) Please give references.
08 August 2016 5,458 5 View
Dear Sirs, Heisenberg inequality states that the measurement values of the particle position coordinates (x,y,z) have necessary errors. So Archimedean axiom is not valid in quantum mechanics. 1....
08 August 2016 5,309 4 View
Dear Sirs, All sciences uses Euclid geometry in many cases. For that purpose one should choose what is straight line, point, plane, etc. For example light raw can be chosen as a straight line....
08 August 2016 1,438 2 View
Why do we choose a such axioms and non-determined notions of Euclid geometry that the Eucid theorems fit perfectly into the reality? Who knows why Pythagoras theorem works in real world? Where is...
08 August 2016 2,372 27 View
Please give explanations and references. B. Riemann knowed Heisenberg inequality:)?
08 August 2016 6,387 0 View
Dear Sirs, Could you give examples of construction of p-adic numbers? Why do these number not satisfy Archimedes axiom? Is there geometry based on p-adic numbers? Thank you for an advance
08 August 2016 6,881 3 View
Musics consists of sounds as our speech. The difference is that speech has meaning but very many of us (if not everybody) do not understand what particular symphony, concert, sonata means!! So I...
08 August 2016 1,356 9 View
Dear Sirs, Everybody knows that good melody generates good moods. Did any physicist try to decode musical melody and extract acoustic parameters which correspond or relate to our good feelings?
08 August 2016 848 14 View
Dear Sirs, What is origin of our actions? Self-preservation, reproduction, sex, hobbies, emotions, moods..?? If I look over my complex behavior for a one day I say - NOt at all. I just do what my...
08 August 2016 331 6 View
Unfortunately I can not find useful comments on my many questions here, at Researchgate. I am interested in more deep understanding of math and physics foundations (proof theory, different...
08 August 2016 8,297 1 View
How to learn carefully to listen all notes, all motives? :) "the heart wants"...
08 August 2016 1,891 0 View
Dear Sirs, I understand that my question is fantastic :)! There is the Darwin`s natural selection, i.e. a creature has a such random mutation that helps him to survive in the...
08 August 2016 4,053 20 View
It is well known that we even can not understand mammalian species around us, like dolphin. Does a dolphin with his huge brain speak at some language? Seems to me yes. But why can we not to decode...
08 August 2016 9,905 1 View
Dear Sirs, I would be grateful for pdf-reviews or articles.
08 August 2016 7,112 0 View
Watches is necessary in every reference system in physics. How do we check that clock is ticking evenly?
08 August 2016 6,502 10 View
Or the life is so unique at big distances? Seems to me it is not true:) But maybe some alien wants to listen some human music, like Shopin.. I do not know :)
08 August 2016 4,966 1 View
Did he know any axiomatic systems of Euclid or other geometry? Did he try to interpret its basic undetermined notions, relations, axioms in real nature objects? Could you provide references?
08 August 2016 4,527 7 View
I would be appreciate of your references and comments
08 August 2016 1,998 0 View
Dear Sirs, From kinematics we know that a reference system comprises a coordinate system and a watches. How do we practically create a particular reference system? How do we choose watches? For...
08 August 2016 6,462 0 View
Dear Sirs, Is it a determination of F or m? Or anyone can indicate independent ways of determination of F and m and then we can claim that F=ma is the LAW? How do you understand the 2nd Newton`s law?
08 August 2016 6,694 6 View
Dear Sirs, It is known that the physics laws can not be precisely verified. The best test of them is our (billions of people) use of all invented instruments (from a porcelain plate to, say,...
08 August 2016 6,244 19 View
Do we study real surrounding nature or we study ourself? I am talking about physics and geometry. Something we measure in real world, something we see in our mind, the internal world. For example...
08 August 2016 8,973 21 View
Since the race of Fauler and Sakharov 50 years have gone. Are there portative magnetic cumulation systems? What is maximal value of magnetic induction in today experiments?
08 August 2016 3,823 0 View
Dear Sirs, In many textbooks the length contraction, time dilation are deduced from the Lorentz transformation formula. Can any way be to understand qualitatively these phenomena WITHOUT the...
08 August 2016 10,119 0 View
Dear Sirs, This question is rather a joke in respect to the music origin of language. But anyway maybe there are some articles about it :). What is your view?
08 August 2016 269 0 View
Dear Sirs I am appreciate of any formulae, references.
08 August 2016 6,817 0 View
Dear Sirs, We measure the length with some error. We can not avoid the error in principle due to Heisenberg`s inequality. So Archimedean axiom of Euclid geometry is not applied in physics. Could...
08 August 2016 1,912 13 View
Dear Sirs, The physical line (or its segment) is the light (or electromagnetic radiation of any other frequency) raw by the definition. Maybe there are other determinations? Like it is a...
08 August 2016 7,501 4 View
Dear Sirs, I am looking at "my way" I did :) I conclude it was a mistake.. :), real stupid mistake :)...maybe in some sense it was a mood of mad man to take Nobel prize or the like.. Many books,...
06 June 2016 8,669 6 View
I mean what my brain system gives "the conclusion" ( or say, some tag, flag, "understanding", etc.) to my consciousness/mind about that some my mood was in the past. Is there any research in this...
06 June 2016 7,914 7 View
any suggestions
06 June 2016 4,092 0 View
Is it only lists of words, pictures, questionnaires to which a studied person should somehow react/answer/remember, etc.? How such lists can be scientific methods of NEW SCIENCE at all? I suppose...
06 June 2016 6,235 0 View
I know about three arrows of time of S. Hawking (see wikipedia). Are there any new publications on it? Thank you for an advance! Anatoly A. Khripov
06 June 2016 3,231 3 View
Why does a particular man want to be a millionaire/billionaire? (I also watched this TV program in the US. Now this program is in Russia ;) ) What is the psychology of a man which possesses very...
06 June 2016 7,485 4 View
Dear Sirs, Please update my knowledge on this. How long will I work as physicist ;)?
06 June 2016 6,460 8 View
4 dimensional space-time is a math or not? According to General relativity it is not, the space-time curvature gives gravitational force. In physics there is a division of all the world on...
06 June 2016 10,041 4 View
Thank you for an advance!! Anatoly A. Khripov
06 June 2016 9,614 1 View
Zhukovsky`s theorem says ;) it is circulation (closed contour integral of velocity). But it will be a huge vortex, maybe a tornado :) in order to lift, say Airbus A-320 or Boeing 737??!!! I have...
06 June 2016 6,489 6 View
Some nuclei have a magnetic moment. But the nucleus consists of nucleons, the latter are composed from elementary particles. Have any elementary particles only magnetic moment or there are...
06 June 2016 1,038 6 View
Dear Sirs, For laminar flow the continuum model describes the experiment. But scientists make great forces and it is still unresolved problem to describe the turbulence even in very simple...
05 May 2016 3,917 37 View
Dear Sirs, Could you explain me what "recognition memory" is in psychology? I am a physicist and I think this is maybe main memory system for humans. In Russian books it is absent... Thank you for...
05 May 2016 2,651 3 View
Any suggestion? When I am listening Chopin's music it`s seems to me beautiful. But when I am listening Shostakovich, especially the later ones, e.g. the concerts (for cello`s, violin`s ones) it is...
05 May 2016 9,746 1 View
Dear Sirs, I would be appreciate of your references.
05 May 2016 9,195 2 View
Dear Sirs, Is it the undetermined notion or we can explain it through other undetermined notions? I ask myself and answer the following. If ones says me to remember a duration of 5 knocks of...
05 May 2016 308 7 View
Dear Sirs, The memory episode encoding is fully semantic or not? Are there any visual, acoustic imagery, etc.? It is 100 years old question. But did you know any new statistical studies of big...
05 May 2016 5,694 5 View
Dear Sirs, I would be pleased if you express any suggestions, references.
05 May 2016 8,325 1 View
Dear Sirs, Any suggestions, references
05 May 2016 626 6 View
Dear Sirs, What is the origin of arbitrary memory (I use Russian terminology, see below)? I tell you about a memory which is created when I say to myself "you should remember this thing". Is this...
05 May 2016 908 13 View
Why do psychologists use notions related to the individual consciousness (or internal world of everybody), the consciousness (or what the particular man sense) is not seen in MR scanner or the...
05 May 2016 9,362 3 View
Was he Ernst (Nobel prize winner for NMR spectroscopy development) or early physicists, Bruker or Varian or some Russians? I just check your erudition (later I give you the reference).
05 May 2016 4,229 1 View
What is a reason of living systems existence? Comparing to human one can note that we (people) are needed possibly to memorize the all nature laws (to make all libraries of all books about...
05 May 2016 7,015 1 View
1. Can we experimentally check that the 1st Newton law is true in our nature? 2. Could we determine mass m or force F independently in the 2nd Newton law F=ma? What is the 2nd law? It seems to me...
05 May 2016 7,944 4 View
Euclid geometry axioms do not apply in classical mechanics. For example, see continuity, Archimedes, parallelism axioms.The physicists use the Euclid theorems but, as to my opinion, they do not...
05 May 2016 9,557 11 View
Dear Sirs, I think many knows the ideas due to Jules Henri Poincaré that the physics laws can be formally rewriten as a space-time curvature or as new geometry solely without forces. It is...
01 January 1970 6,887 29 View
Our language is the origin and the building mean of formal languages of math and physics. Artificial intelligence mashines creates even their own language. Are there research to create new...
01 January 1970 8,436 17 View
Many articles tell this as well company products tell this. What do you think about future world say in 50 years? If men do not need to survive as before, say 100 years ago so what a man will be?...
01 January 1970 10,003 4 View
Physics finds laws of nature. But anybody asked himself about what is a cause of the laws appearance? How did the laws appear in nature? E.g. how did the gravity law appear? God created it or...
01 January 1970 6,263 10 View
Dear Sirs, 1, 2, 3 laws of Newtons need closed system (net force is zero). How do we practically realize, create such closed system? One example. Let us look at a body motion. One can say If...
01 January 1970 7,644 3 View
Dear Sirs, Inertia is opposite effect in some sence in respect to gravitation. But inertial and gravitational properties are unified in one body. Could inertial property of mass be explained by...
01 January 1970 9,789 99 View
Dear Sirs, I would like to find out more precisely whether the 2nd Newton law is valid or not in wide range of masses, accelerations, forces. Particulary I have a question whether the inertial...
01 January 1970 3,977 11 View
How is it possible? What physics is behind it?
01 January 1970 10,108 5 View
Could you give references on mass measurement from the 3rd law (with different forces: gravitational, elastic, etc)? E.g. old articles by Saint-Venant.
01 January 1970 7,694 3 View
Dear Sirs, Could anybody help to solve the following task? Let us have two different inertial masses, say different in 2 times. Point masses are good also. Each of them is pulled by a string...
01 January 1970 1,846 10 View