Did  any matematichian liking classics did it ? You know 7 notes, 7 colors, etc. Some composers were synesthets (has mixed senses about an object, sound) (Skrjabin e.g.).

What picture or what non verbal information gives musics to us beside pleasure, garmony and melody sense? So are there research here, computer programs and some achievements?

What is melody? Does it have a counterpart (for our brain) in real life, say a unique "tree", or unique "leaf", a unique sense of pity, hapiness for example? Maybe they exists in every brain that is why we have a pleasure looking at it (I know I should and like write fantastic tales rather science talks)

About something else besides only  our pleasure. Let you listen last Beethoven quartets https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Late_string_quartets_(Beethoven)

I have a sense that there are SO MANY INFORMATION behind the melody in it... It is hard to express in words.. :))

From psychology of memory. Look at the case of musician Clive Wearing https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clive_Wearing

After herpesviral encephalitis disease he forgot everything, every verbal memory (!) but he could play piano well (he safed non verbal memory)!

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