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Questions related to Virology
I am doing HI Test for NDV and Avian Influenza Viruses but before going to start I first tested the serum whether any reactivity exists or not with 1% washed Chicken RBC. but I found that some...
12 January 2021 1,273 7 View
With the great interest in Virology in the world due to the COVID-19 pandemic and its related vaccine development is doing a Phd in Virology from a good institute in UK the right thing to do?
27 November 2020 3,900 3 View
Hello, My name is Ashley and I'm part of a student team consulting for a local biotech startup. Our goal is to gather insights from researchers and stakeholders in effort to advance the company...
27 October 2020 9,925 5 View
Hi everyone, Currently i am working to Norovirus and SARS-Cov -2 assays, I would like to know if a ph meter specific for virology exists ? I mean that we need to test pH from several samples...
10 September 2020 1,678 3 View
Hi everyone, We are synthesizing a virucidal material that will kill SARS-CoV-2 on contact. In these preliminary stages, we want to use enveloped surrogate viruses that are the easiest to...
09 August 2020 6,990 4 View
Hey guys, I am kinda new to virology and i find myself at the moment having to decide on a virus titer. I am doing a GFP plaque assay. I got to the point where FACS gave me the percentage of the...
11 June 2020 7,029 1 View
... There is an urgent need for information on virus replication, immunity and infectivity in specific sites of the body. Here we report a detailed virological analysis of nine cases of COVID-19...
28 May 2020 9,722 4 View
As the whole world is suffering with COVID19 infection; the research for vaccines are at its peak and so is the funding towards virology projects. Will it have a negative impact on funding in...
26 May 2020 8,775 3 View
The scientific community has been efficient in response to the fight against COVID-19 with research in multi-dimensional fields ranging from virology to artificial intelligence. We need a list of...
15 May 2020 3,852 12 View
My specialty is quantum physics but because of the pandemium I was interested in physical methods applied to virology. Today's physics is at nanolevel manufacturing so I suppose it can solve...
27 April 2020 2,673 1 View
Hi all, I'm not an expert on virology, but I'm trying to look for any RNA extraction methods that are preferably bead-based, for potential integration to a liquid handling robot workflow. I know...
21 April 2020 5,214 3 View
Please read the whole description carefully, This is not a remedy or prescription. Last month, I got Coronavirus (COVID-19) and found out one simple way to decrease the cough. Unripe grape juice...
19 March 2020 9,409 24 View
Self-quarantine involves staying at home for 14 days and avoiding contact with other people or animals. This means not going to work, taking public transport, running errands or having visitors...
12 March 2020 5,383 14 View
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), a virus closely related to the SARS virus. The disease first...
11 March 2020 9,499 6 View
Dear Researchers .... Need help for COVID 19 drug discovery. Recently, COVID-19 main protease crystal structure was deposited in the protein database (PDB ID: 6LU7...
09 March 2020 4,039 4 View
The US Government Comparative Toxicogenomics database shows that Fluoride can inhibit Human immunity to viruses and pneumonia. Angiotensin I-Converting Enzyme (ACE), 2'-5'-Oligoadenylate...
04 February 2020 6,658 4 View
i have a master's degree in clinical biology .
27 December 2019 1,491 3 View
Placebo is always ineffective for treatment of hepatitis C, so it`s sustained virologic responce is always 0,0% and probable random effects are not taken into account when calculating the relative...
28 November 2019 2,736 3 View
I want to isolate (preferably infectious) hepatitis C viral particles form infected patient's serum. I have reviewed some protocols which are based on PEG 8000, PEG 6000 with or without salt...
12 November 2019 6,323 4 View
I need to enumerate a large number of viral samples. Typically, I would run each concentration of my sample in all 12 wells of a 96-well plate but in the literature I see 4 or 8 wells per...
14 February 2019 9,327 3 View
Recently, the results at week 144 of E/C/F/TAF vs. E/C/F/TDF have been published. Authors state that the treatment with TAF is more effective. They used the FDA snapshot algorithm which...
05 January 2019 5,285 3 View
Free Journal For Virology or Immunology We have a Research about Pre-eclampsia and CMV infection .Can anyone suggest us the name of a free journal or scientific magazine for publishing it?
31 December 2018 7,402 5 View
Hi, I am trying to embed cells in low melting point 4% water agarose gel but have been loosing cells due to residual sodium phosphate buffer left in the centrifuge tube. My procedure is...
17 July 2018 3,448 3 View
I am a master student under virology program. Currently, I am working on determination of virus among mosquitoes population . Based on previous study, most of them used bead-based homogenization...
31 May 2018 7,049 15 View