With the great interest in Virology in the world due to the COVID-19 pandemic and its related vaccine development is doing a Phd in Virology from a good institute in UK the right thing to do?
I would say so, in particular, if you can get into Oxford. But also other groups are doing good job on vaccine, in Germany for instance. I think it is better to get into a group that does good research than just on one that has a brand. The literature will tell the difference...
Luigi Marongiu Thank you so much for your response. It will be really difficult to get into a premiere institution like Oxford but can try for other good colleges in UK. Can you share me details about the other UK centers for PhD in Virology.
I did mine at the UCL (Cruciform) in collaboration with the Virus Diagnostic Centre in Colindale of the Health Protection Agency (now renamed). I also worked in Cambridge, where there are several groups involved in virology, particularly that of Ian Goodfellow. I think you should check the papers that you find most exciting and see where they are done. Given Brexit, I imagine the center of power has also shifted. If One COVID vaccine is linked to Oxford, BioNtech in Mainz (Germany) doe not joke neither, so keep an eye also on the countries you like most. At the end of the day, it is not only the lab that matters but what to do after the working hours...