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Questions related to Tissue
Dear Researcher, I facing a lot of problem in PCR amplification of deletion construct of few budding yeast gene, However the The the reaction set up, annealing temp. (55 degree C) standardized...
25 November 2023 8,471 1 View
Hello everyone, I started cultivating pancreatic cancer organoids obtained from patient-derived tissues. I would like to establish co-cultures with the CAFs (I have them) derived from the same...
23 November 2023 1,822 0 View
1. Subduction volcanoes are known to release large masses of CO2 due to the oxidation of organic sediments. 2. It is also known that subduction volcanoes (A) and chlorophyll-containing organisms...
23 November 2023 5,522 0 View
I have been able to use the Kraken2 pipeline for analysing the nanopore reads and derive a KronaPlot for metagenomics. Since KronaPlot also gives a list of reads from a sample that is associated...
22 November 2023 1,977 5 View
Hi, I'm new to flow cytometry. Basically, I measured immune cells in the heart using the BD device. And I found sometimes the range of threshold rate was not similar among samples. For example, I...
22 November 2023 925 1 View
I have prepared a glass sample with rare earth doping. My XRD is as below. Please give suggestions. why this graph got hump, i am confused whether it is correct or wrong. If wrong please suggest...
22 November 2023 378 1 View
Lets say, the organic molecule is Sorbitol which has C6 carbon skeleton. And under reaction conditions it decomposes into small molecules like C2, C3 ,C4 etc. So how do will I calculate the carbon...
22 November 2023 6,074 0 View
I am trying to solvate my solute in DMSO but each time when I try to solvate using the gmx solavte command it adds only 7 DMSO molecules to the box rather than completely filling the box. Can any...
21 November 2023 9,650 0 View
I just performed a XRD analysis on a metallic glass particle and got an amorphous halo around 2(theta)=44 degree. How can I justify why the peak appears around 44 degrees?
21 November 2023 5,190 1 View
Hello, I was wondering if it is possible to fix HUVEC cells for IHC and/or TEM analysis after they completed tube formation in Matrigel. I use Corning® Matrigel® Growth Factor Reduced (GFR)...
21 November 2023 5,940 0 View
I ran an ELISA using goat serum and after taking the readings the standard curve worked and looks good but serum sample wells are negative when the blank is subtracted. The serum samples actually...
21 November 2023 4,278 1 View
After activating the Staphylococcus aureus strain after 16 hours in TSB, I need to inoculate Mueller-Hinton agar plate with a volume of 0.1mL (concentration is 108 CFU/mL) for the Kirby-Bauer...
20 November 2023 8,629 4 View
Hi dear All. I'd like to know simplest protocol to detect ATP binding assay (ATP binding with protein). I read a couple of research about this but I want to know common methods. Thanks for your...
20 November 2023 7,403 0 View
In Rajasthan, the rate of artificial insemination in goats is much lower than that of large cattle. Express your views on this problem.
20 November 2023 7,244 5 View
I'd like to learn how to prepare horizontal mouse brain slices to patch CA3 pyramidal cells and, preferentially, CA1 pyramidal cells and DG granule cells. I've seen different protocols, and I'm...
20 November 2023 7,730 4 View
I'm studying hippocampal pyramidal and granule cells in coronal mouse brain slices using patch-clamp. The mice are 2-3 months old. I've been able to record from CA1 pyramidal cells and DG granule...
20 November 2023 3,224 4 View
the ERROR was reported as: SimTK Exception thrown at InteriorPointOptimizer.cpp:264: Optimizer failed: Ipopt: Infeasible problem detected (status 2) OPTIMIZATION FAILED... CMC::computeControls:...
19 November 2023 4,606 1 View
I can only extraction about 1.5ug RNA from 3*10^6 mice peritoneal macrophages, which is much less than normal cells. How to raise yield?
17 November 2023 8,133 5 View
Can a clinical case-control study be prospective in nature?
17 November 2023 3,033 3 View
When I am using the soxhlet, sometimes after the siphoning happens the extractor does not fill itself and there is an endless siphoning going on. I have to stop the heating or manually help the...
16 November 2023 8,320 0 View
I'm very interested in meta-analysis. If anyone has experience in conducting meta-analyses and is open to collaboration (Forestry Sector), I would love to work together on exploring this research...
16 November 2023 9,347 4 View
I did the experiment to determine the effectiveness of Sterilization on heparin potency but the result isn't positive. I want to ask everyone about this problem. I used Sheep plasma method. Thanks.
16 November 2023 8,828 0 View
My research is mainly about anthropomorphism\attachment anxiety\loneliness\mentalizing, I want to know the latest research about my interest.
15 November 2023 6,062 2 View
After proteomics analysis of my samples, a specific phosphorylation site on a kinase was found. But when I want to validate the result I could not find any commercial ab to that phosphorylated...
15 November 2023 362 6 View