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Questions related to Scanning Electron Microscopy
Hi everyone, hope you're all okay. So I have some questions/doubts about eds mapping. Just some notes first: I always use the correct accelerating voltage to excite the elements I need, always use...
05 June 2019 3,012 11 View
I need advice from any expert with good SEM knowledge. What could have been the reason for that fault.
31 May 2019 2,558 3 View
Hey folks, hope you're all okay. I have one doubt, I always used to check the videoscope to help improve the bright and contrast in the microscope, but I used to do this in a FEI (Thermofisher)...
18 May 2019 4,201 4 View
Dear Researchers, I did Scanning electron microscopy and have pictures, but now i would like to measure the size of Stomata and trichomes on waxy layer, How can i measure the size?
26 April 2019 3,184 6 View
I want to fit the TCSPC data in origin but the fit with predefined exponential functions of origin is not very good. So please help how to fit it in origin.
15 April 2019 4,396 9 View
I want to do a research about the influence of time on the growth of ZnO nanostructured via hydrothermal, but i don't want to used Si as a substrates or any of substrated. then should i take the...
26 March 2019 2,669 9 View
Hi all, i am new to the SEM imaging system. this is a image of an aluminium sample. any idea how or why these Black shades are formed in SEM secondary electron image?
21 March 2019 6,746 4 View
I'm doing my undergraduate thesis based on medical records and I'm stuck.
11 March 2019 9,589 0 View
Here is one picture of dark spots. I prepared 1.5% formvar in chloroform and diluted it into 0.5%. After o/n incubation I performed carbon-coating. Could it be the result of insuficient drying or...
01 March 2019 7,528 10 View
Getting result of SEM and XRD with full positivity in PGE concentration in a gabbro-anorthositic layered complex but not getting full support when analyzed by fire assay method.
15 February 2019 561 3 View
I have got a SEM image for my nanoparticle (attached). How can I classify it or name the morphology.
10 February 2019 6,465 1 View
My model Consist of one independent, one moderator and three dependent variables. Please need guidance to use SEM or Hierarchical linear regression, and what are the main differences between these...
08 February 2019 7,469 4 View
I am working to use SEM to image bacteria/yeast in lichens to find where they live within lichens. We have images of bacteria as of now but it seams that without ultra-structural analysis higher...
01 February 2019 786 1 View
I imaged some samples and I noticed that as I got close to my substrate (acrylic), the surface began to bubble up. I'm wondering if any one else has seen this before. Could it be that I didn't...
30 January 2019 8,374 3 View
Currently have a Zeiss Sigma SEM outfitted with a EDS and EBSD camera. I want to measure the volume fraction of Mg2Si particles in a small area, these particles may measure only a 20-30 nanometers...
15 January 2019 6,899 5 View
Hello, I don't have access to cryo SEM in my country and I have protein samples (Whey protein) that are sensible and are burnt by the bombard of electrons under SEM device. Is there a possible...
08 January 2019 8,535 3 View
Electron microscopes
05 January 2019 6,971 4 View
Wide banded stripes are displayed in the image window and narrower stripes in the beam alignment mode. They can be reduced by drastically decreasing the brightness. However, the scanned image will...
26 December 2018 2,619 1 View
Please, I need to construct a variable -frequency high voltage power supply with low cost components. This device can produce a variable kHz range up to 20 kV output voltage and the input is 220 V...
26 December 2018 7,414 2 View
I need to choose the best grid for HRTEM imaging of powder samples that are mostly nano particles and nano sheets? does the solvent we use for dispersion of particles influence the imagin quality too?
23 December 2018 5,266 5 View
Can any one provide with a recommended DAPI staining protocol for dental pulp stem cells already fixed and dried for SEM imaging?.The cells are fixed on dental chips 4*4mm.Want to use these...
14 December 2018 5,575 1 View
What would you buy for an integrated design that has loops and Logic that need to be implemented with a very high rate? What are the Pros and Cons of both?
14 December 2018 6,851 4 View
I have some samples that contain protein precipitates in ammonium sulphate which I would like to analyse by scanning electron microscopy. What is a good procedure for preparing the samples of this...
10 December 2018 7,381 2 View
We are preparing new packed capillary columns (packed with silica particles) for capillary electrochromatography. One of the techniques we use for the characterization is SEM of the cross section,...
10 December 2018 985 4 View