The phenotypic manifestation of a gene or genes by the processes of GENETIC TRANSCRIPTION and GENETIC TRANSLATION. | Contact experts in Gene Expression to get answers
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Questions related to Gene Expression
I'm searching for list of possible chemical compountd (Ligand) that interacts with one of the target receptor for my studies. is there any database which I could refer ? If not how to pull out the...
30 March 2021 2,152 5 View
I would like to analyze multiple gene expressions in normal and cancer tissue by using the data in the TCGA and GTEx databases. Please suggest a tutorial or paper showing step by step analysis of...
24 February 2021 9,315 3 View
It is known that methylated CpG around TSS decreases gene expression. However, It is difficult to know exactly which CpG has a greater impact on gene expression. Are there any databases known...
21 February 2021 5,880 3 View
My gene of interest is lowly expressed. What is the maxium amount of template (ng) one could use for RT-qPCR to detect the gene expression? I used 10 ng with no signal at 40 cycles.
10 February 2021 8,815 7 View
Dear Researchers, I have Transcriptome/Genome data and want to list all the member of a KCS/CER gene family whose Domain AP2/ERF, FAE1_CUT1, according to the Arabidopsis database, so is there...
16 January 2021 2,523 3 View
Hello, I want to insert a gene into my cells using sgRNA, Cas9, and an HDR template. The gene that I will insert into has its own promoter. Because I will cut the gene downstream of its start...
15 January 2021 1,392 2 View
Dear Researchers, I am using pCAMBIA1301/1302 vectors for overexpression study, so can use the same vectors for transient expression? or need to design another vector for transient expression;...
09 January 2021 8,189 2 View
Hello everyone, I got a partial cds, and I want to express it in yeast, does it work with partial cds or I need a complete one? If partial cds is possible, can you please suggest me some articles...
28 December 2020 3,977 3 View
I am looking for an online tool to see whether a certain methylated CpG site can affect the expression of a certain gene or not?
19 December 2020 7,769 1 View
Hi, I have a question if anyone can answer. I have identified two co-factors for my transcription factor. But the mass spec data seems insignificant. Now I want to find if some other co-factors...
09 December 2020 460 3 View
Hy everybody, I am looking for a way to stop gene expression during harvesting of microalgae to ensure reliable RNAseq in response to temperature. I am affraid working on ice and performing...
26 November 2020 7,411 3 View
Since our RNA is less abundant, can we use the libraries prepared for RNA-seq to validate (qPCR)the results of RNA-seq.
13 November 2020 978 6 View
Hi, As described, recently we found a gene was silenced in various tumor, and its promoter was alwasy hypermethlated. When using certain treatment to induce the gene expression, we found its...
05 November 2020 7,244 3 View
Hi I want to plot a graph for Ct values from qPCR assay that resulted from a gene expression in different samples.
30 October 2020 1,537 3 View
Hi everyone, I struggle to find a single-cell or bulk-sequencing dataset showing the transcriptomic effects of a medical treatment (i.e. COX1 or 2 -inhibition) in patients of inflammatory...
29 October 2020 5,642 3 View
Currently, I am validating a new machine learning approach. But, I need to find different cancer datasets composed by clinical markers and gene expressions. For now, a just found MMRF data set...
12 October 2020 9,188 2 View
Good day, I hope you are all doing well. I was designing primers for Caspase 9 and sometimes, the designed primers in NCBI have transcript variants for the same gene (Caspase 9) but at the same...
06 October 2020 606 3 View
how to calculate the value for adjusted p value in gene expression analysis? what is the formula? i'm working on identifiying the level of expression of lncRNA from a datasets deposited in NCBI....
27 September 2020 9,716 4 View
I am having trouble navigating the phylofish database. I can blast my gene of interest and get the " Best match," but from there, I cant seem to figure out where to go to find the expression level...
16 September 2020 5,057 2 View
whats the difference between RNA extraction(with trisol)when we want to measure long non coding RNA and when we want to measure gene expression?
08 September 2020 7,560 5 View
Hi, im newbee for analysing gen expression data set and hope someone have som advise. Im working on mice liver gen expression (mRNA) data sets generated with EdgeR - now I want to do some gen...
04 September 2020 1,403 3 View
I adopt primer designs from a study published in Nature ( Domestication selected for deceleration of the circadian clo... ), so the primers should be qualified. Yet in many samples, I got...
01 September 2020 9,948 8 View
I am trying to analyze the micro array gene expression data between control and treatment. I would like to use R programming package. Which package is better and how can i use. I want step by step...
24 August 2020 8,340 7 View
Hello everyone. I am an undergraduate student majoring in cardio-thoracic technology. I'm now working on my Bachelor's thesis that i use real time PCR (gene expression study between drug-treated...
12 August 2020 4,755 9 View