The phenotypic manifestation of a gene or genes by the processes of GENETIC TRANSCRIPTION and GENETIC TRANSLATION. | Contact experts in Gene Expression to get answers
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Questions related to Gene Expression
For bacterial promoters, everything I read says bacterial promoters are -35/-10 motifs upstream of the TSS, and perhaps UP elements (~ -50 of TSS). So if I want a promoter sequence for my gene,...
09 March 2020 1,032 7 View
The results showed low expression of A and overexpression of B in Tumor tissues. We expect them to show a negative correlation, but they show a significant positive correlation. Can you explain...
07 March 2020 3,283 11 View
Hi guys, I got gene expression data in normal human tissues from GTEx, Illumina, BioGPS, HPA and FANTOM5. Is there any way to combine all of these results into one? Is there such a thing? Kind...
03 March 2020 9,351 3 View
I'm getting zero or no ct value in my gene expression analysis during RT-PCR analysis. I'm not understanding the meaning of zero ct value, how I should interpret the data now. Should I consider...
03 March 2020 3,166 3 View
how is it possible to have an increase in a gene expression of a anabolic gene(agpat) and catabolic gene (hmgcs2)at the same time? may insulin affect this?
27 February 2020 6,362 1 View
how long do rats live after induction of diabetes with intraperitoneal streptozotocin injection provided the resultant hypoglycemia is taken care immediately within the succeeding 24 hours.
24 February 2020 4,572 2 View
Hello, I working with a method that finds high-expressed genes in a single-cell experiment. How can I assess such method? I know I can compare it with the ones in literature (t-test, regression),...
23 February 2020 3,182 2 View
Take a look at the notch signaling pathway in human from KEGG : What is Fringe activating? It is not pointing to another gene or protein, it...
19 February 2020 3,310 1 View
Hi. I want to make a dataset for machine learning. It should take gene expression data as input, the degree of activation of pathway as output(up-regulated, down-regulated). I found a post that...
11 February 2020 2,813 8 View
02 February 2020 9,371 1 View
02 February 2020 8,606 2 View
To study gene expression with qPCR, I'm using 16s as a reference gene. 16s is of course very, very abundant so I need to dilute my cDNA a lot. However, I don't want to overdilute my cDNA as then...
02 February 2020 6,777 4 View
02 February 2020 4,780 8 View
I serially diluted my cDNA to generate a standard curve. For the melt curve, all the samples in the standard had one, nice peak. Except one sample in the very middle of the dilution series....
02 February 2020 8,559 3 View
Dear all, I am working on RNA-seq data from two different cancer cohorts (different ethnicity). I want to compare the expression profile of these two ethnicity. PCA showed that these two cohorts...
28 January 2020 9,136 3 View
I am currently working with Allen brain atlas and I want to know how can I get the complete gene expression profiling of human from the atlas?
22 January 2020 2,115 2 View
hi, i would kindly ask you for help, because i have been strugling with this issue for few weeks. Basically i would like to know how can i check if my qRT-PCR data has normal distribution so i can...
21 January 2020 3,500 2 View
Dear all, I am looking for the origin of the joined picture that I found on a slide server about the kinetics of gene expression (IL-2/IL-2R/CD40L) followed by proliferation after T cell...
03 January 2020 6,109 2 View
01 January 2020 7,217 2 View
Hi everyone: I am wondering can I use a multicopy gene as the reference gene for qPCR? If not, what are the potential problems involved? Thank you!
01 January 2020 3,217 4 View
Hi there, I want to use ddCt to analyze my qPCR results, however I am not exactly sure on how to proceed and when to average the replicates. Also, can we use ddCt when having more than 1 factor...
01 January 2020 1,390 6 View
Hello, I already performed my quantitative PCR (q RT-PCR). I have a lot of samples in my experiment and so they didn't fit all in the same rotor/plate (RotorGene - Qiagen). Therefore, I used a...
01 January 2020 7,791 7 View
01 January 2020 5,646 3 View
Hi. I would like to know if the absence of biological replicates can affect the qRT-PCR. I have some field samples of insects/mites in TriZOL Reagent and I plan have gene expression studies. Few...
01 January 2020 2,735 8 View