I'm currently setting up T-DC co-cultures and am looking for advice.
T cell line is IL2 dependent. T cell media contains IL2 (amongst other supplements), although DCs produce IL2. Any advice on which media is best?
T cells are suspension, DCs are semi-adherent. So far, they seem to grow best in suspension flasks. again - any recommendations? An issue here is that they seem happier in suspension, but this is a problem as I don't have access to a FACS with sorting capacity. Based on FSC-SSC, the two populations have a very similar profile. Any suggestions for sorting?
Finally - I have had issues when looking at the receptor profile of the two cells types, in that (following 2 days of adherent co culture) T cells seem to lose CD3, while DCs lose CD68, which were expressed pre-coculture, respectively.
Any advice will be much appreciated! So many unspecified variables!
Thanks, Brittany :)