47 Questions 195 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Raja N A Khan
What can be the possible Alphabets of Universe which might represents about its construction, its running and its control and command system etc? Is there any Universal language exists? Any other...
10 October 2019 2,747 18 View
Is there any form of physical energy behind ideologies? Is it correct that the ideology carry some sort of physical energy and it’s in the words and information which it gave, and that energy...
06 June 2019 729 8 View
Does Thought Contribute Into Environment? Does thoughts contribute toward Earth environment by any means? Does neuron based thoughts Communicates with any entities into environment? Do human brain...
06 June 2019 1,457 16 View
ROLE OF “TWIST” IN DEVELOPMENT OF MOVEMENT Any system only gets twist when it has tie-up bindings at least on both ends. DQV (Dynamic Quantum Vacuum) along universe can be granted with the...
05 May 2019 2,425 2 View
Do reward neural network recognize alcohol and physical relationship as facilitated agents to gain creativity related brain patterns ?
04 April 2019 7,898 9 View
Same types of innovations by different nations have different aspects in term of quality, technical capacities, life, energy usage, making etc. Some brands considered very successful and some get...
12 December 2018 3,843 4 View
"Laws in nature are relative to consistency / constant-ness of behaviour in matters. Till the time behaviour of a particle remains alike the observation present a specific patterns and perceiver...
02 February 2017 7,022 1 View
Is consciousness the sole right & property associated with human brain only ? What are the basics / basic structural unit of consciousness other than neuron ? Does fundamental particles also...
10 October 2016 2,882 25 View
Reserve engineering and backward flow of process do not mean the reversal of event but a new event in another ( reverse) direction at same design with same constituents along different results....
10 October 2016 6,165 3 View
The concept of Gods had been discussed in previous question . All we find that mainly there are few functional aspects in every religion & mythology based social theories which denote some...
09 September 2016 2,802 11 View
A widely acceptable word among human creature is “god” by various centuries, along number of functional aspects with numerous abilities, properties, powers etc, however structural aspects might...
09 September 2016 977 17 View
Time Particle Time particles can be those particles which get produce by acquired technology and will be equip with force behind structure, symmetry and patterns, and are responsible for...
08 August 2016 1,369 6 View
How nature make calculations, quantify the processes, how does mathematics occur in nature? What can be the exact nature of mathematics, physical or& metaphysical, any example of metaphysics...
07 July 2016 9,852 10 View
We often hear, read about a negative energy & Positive energy especially in case of happiness, success, good luck, stress, wrong deeds, hurdled ways and effortless working along bad results....
07 July 2016 606 21 View
Evolutions bring changes in prior existing set of biologics. Here few points require more deep understandings (Kindly select the best suitable options for best understandings) Programing 1. ...
07 July 2016 4,549 17 View
Do quantum function is decorated with some membrane like fictional and structural aspects as well? Only the charges, position, velocity etc. are behind such makeup of Quantum membranes? Can the...
07 July 2016 4,766 7 View
“In physics, sound is a vibration that propagates as a typically audible mechanical wave of pressure and displacement, through a medium such as air or water. In physiology and psychology, sound is...
07 July 2016 8,662 10 View
Information, Knowledge & Imagination have diversity of physical, metaphysical and imaginative mediums & sources to get explore. In Socio-literary life of intelligent creatures several time...
06 June 2016 7,791 15 View
Imagination can be titled as the ability to sense the patterns through Biologic-based entanglements. Imaginative patterns contacting specified / desired information & bio-energy can be sensed,...
06 June 2016 5,128 6 View
A widely used word /phrase of all the times, The Tolerance. How tolerance can be defined in multiple ways ? What can the different types of tolerance? Tolerance can be standardize unanimously ?...
06 June 2016 1,618 14 View
Which came “in to being” first, Wave or Particle; How & Why ? Do only wave itself has ability to influence the particle/mass and get establish field for it ? The question arises during...
06 June 2016 2,267 24 View
As according to our know knowledge two types of charges +ve and –ve along neutral phase exists, now if we think in term of anti-particle concept then can we assume, hypothesis that anti charge of...
06 June 2016 2,722 2 View
What is/are master piece for peace of mind & satisfaction in multidimensional ways for you & Why? Would you like to recommend it to others as well?Do every time one get inspiration from it...
06 June 2016 8,024 34 View
In search of particles we have to do wait till particle get some such expression which can come under out calculations and tools, for the purpose often collision of particle technique come in use....
06 June 2016 504 4 View
What will happen if we change the rotational direction and spinning movement of particle to other directions e.g., clockwise, anti clock wise, down, up, forward, behind etc. How such changes can...
06 June 2016 4,232 5 View
Is there anything like “Creative Stress” “Creative Chaos” exists among human. If so then what it is, any symptoms, cause and effects, how to do deal with it, what can be its expected mechanisms,...
05 May 2016 316 17 View
What can be the any example(s) of natural puzzle(s)? If so then why it is Natural Puzzle ? Thanks
05 May 2016 1,146 9 View
"Movement" as Another or "Mother" Dimension ?? Distance, velocity, space, time, wave, particle etc. all are very deeply interlinked with the ability of “movement” and their existence is due to...
05 May 2016 5,013 5 View
What about the concept of; 1) The particle that can use for transporting the particles with them to another destination and then can release them there. 2) The particle that can charge...
05 May 2016 4,053 3 View
Line(s) Of Communications among Particles / Waves & Natural Forces….?? Do inter/intra communicational line(s) exist among particles, waves and natural forces..? Do they need to communicate...
04 April 2016 8,373 1 View
Force behind the symmetry and pattern specifically of stars in space, crystals in molecules and particles in atom is the same, alike wise ?? What is concept of natural geometry ?? Do stars and...
04 April 2016 9,087 15 View
What is Creatures and Creators Matrix? Behind all the activities there are mindsets………And apparently mindset have mind at backend.........Seemingly Artificial Intelligence is not so well developed...
03 March 2016 6,581 3 View
Charges other than +/- and None Vibratory Movement(s)? 1) What is possibility and probability that other type of charges except positive and negative can exists? Any theoretical form of new...
03 March 2016 9,013 1 View
Is there any significant relation between Quest of Knowledge and Quest of Conquer ? How you want to explain/understand Quest of Knowledge and Quest of Conquer ? Are both inborn inside all kind of...
01 January 2016 2,488 4 View
Taboo or Reality? Scientific research and proven references needed to describe the factual difference between Halal and none halal food; meat, beverages, bakery products, anything, any...
10 October 2015 996 19 View
Importance of “Time Factor” in Impact calculation/evaluation of Research studies. Most of the time by evaluation of knowledge it become difficult to figure out the actual need, demand &...
09 September 2015 2,469 3 View
It's also true when bricks are available then no one asked for soil except to get believe on required strength of soil, normally. As the ultimate goal are constructions. Same is true with the...
12 December 2013 6,880 6 View
Is design of/behind universe an intelligent one? if yes then how much marks out of 10 you will give to it? Has it hold self-running, error-eraser/self-healer kind of properties? Or it’s just a...
12 December 2013 2,566 9 View
Does accounting/measurement of qualitative and quantitative traits regarding residents of Universe matter for known/supposed Natural Systems or Natural Systems are beyond from it. Dose Nature need...
11 November 2013 6,787 12 View
Does nature keep records of its systems, as record keeping is considered a vital part of sustainable work of system-management? If yes, then what are the different kinds of mechanisms that...
10 October 2013 4,790 61 View
“Relative Balance” during caving of knowledge & factors defining imp/less imp with utilizing of the available resources for sciences. Many Researchers are indicating that established focus angles...
10 October 2013 8,512 10 View
What are the limitations of Natural Sciences in the current era & how can these limitations be classified in to groups/topics, what are their economic impacts on evolution of knowledge? On what...
10 October 2013 8,452 9 View
There can be several types of record keeping required regarding “Universal Management System”. It can be divided in to two main subjects Quantitative and Qualitative Records. (it might be possible...
10 October 2013 5,251 5 View
As a new member of this group I am with aim of Learning and Learning
12 December 2010 968 3 View
Human body & mind interaction with environmental constituents of planet Earth gave birth and enhances such minds sets by default, which might have ability to cover the Natural Inborn...
01 January 1970 312 17 View
Different organisms are made by protein mainly. They eat each other, even ells eat each other. What are the key reasons behind this phenomenon, e.g? Thirsty Competition Energy Requirement Genetic...
01 January 1970 10,089 7 View
"Wishes are thought base and Endless. How they create much more than expectations in diversity of direction and serve as a unique driving force among creatures? Why thoughts go beyond imagination...
01 January 1970 3,789 14 View