09 September 2016 17 972 Report

A widely acceptable word among human creature is “god” by various centuries, along number of functional aspects with numerous abilities, properties, powers etc, however structural aspects might never came under observable-discussion.

But there is no standardized and unanimously explanation for the word / term of “god” available which cover most of verbally said aspects regarding it.

It’s some strange that Nature, Environmental aspect are the only considered type under title of god, which is most primitive concept and fall in most of its types, sub types at the same time.

There are few main sources by which the concept of god came in to existence.

1)      By Evolution of human knowledge and conscious under environmental factors and influences

2)      The religions which claimed to be by some divine power named “god”

3)      Logical Need some centre of consciousness which is also a creator & designer behind the universe

Anyhow on the available information and trends we can segregate the different self & intruding claims about god under few types; basics are

1)      Interferer god into life of creatures through forceful acts

2)      silent god who design and then leave human on his/her efforts

Again the type of Interferer gods further subdivided into three more types

1)      Human conscious need base, helping entity

2)      Mysterious, supernatural power holding entity

3)      Religious base entities; varies with religion to religion, so many types with different combination of characteristics along Master/Kingship holder in universe, a keen watcher responsible for every action, and owner of heaven & hell.

Silent or none interferer type of gods can be subdivided into two types

1)      A scientific entity which can be Designer, Creator of Universal Entities

2)      Self-center of intelligence & consciousness in NOW with formation of creation but without any single specified creator

Defiantly among human life the role of philosophy, based on concept of gods are very deep and influencing throughout the known history from few thousand years. The key aspect is claimed information from the divine sources by gods, by which only human life at Earth observed many strong change shifts and strangely it’s might remain peaceful on individual basis by such acts but never be peaceful at social level so for.

Space and Physical sciences are turning toward the clue for concept of presence of some centre of consciousness behind cosmos, although world leadings scientists clearly reject the claim of presence of such entity in universe which can be consider powerful enough & responsibly interfering into human life and matters of cosmos by any means and there is also no clues of presence of heaven like structures etc. by latest research findings. Many time in history it’s observed that the powers and abilities only were associated with concept of gods are now organizes and used by human, what being an intelligent creature we will assume about such sustainable and continuous shift of power of healing, traveling, brain sciences, creativity, construction, education etc. Under the religio-socio-political environment the need of time is to define the physical or hypothetical aspects of term gods as many get mis-confusion & misunderstandings that when people related to sciences talk about presence of some designing entity then it means its gods with those said powers and abilities as diversity of religions claimed. And in the same way when researchers deny the presence of gods then followers of religions assume the message that sciences are talking against their divine concepts. Anyhow scientific methods either in natural sciences and social sciences, only do work by the observation, cause and effects under scientific aspects, and accept diversity of the concepts as theory or as Law of Nature etc after getting valid arguments and proves for human consciousness with repeatable experiments over mass with the same results. Where there is matter of such powerful and creator entity there is need to give proves by Functional aspects, structural aspects or by any other need base aspects along some mechanism, cause & effects etc.

Anyhow we need to clarify as well that either we are trapped in some simulator programs like “Cosmulator”? Or we are getting mistake by our senses as “Conscious base illusions” or all is just NOW & none of the singular entity can have/hold enough power to be act as divine/gods powers………or all of three at the same time….…….what so ever it is………….first need to define and segregate the messed-mixed up concepts for the term/word…………Lets try…………!!

Might be it’s not the concept of time that either there are gods or not, But it’s the concept-question of time that if they are then what they are doing for human, diversity of creatures, cosmos, and universe in real?

Situations arises many sub-questions questions,

1.       What are practical impacts and effects of gods on creatures, how it get sustainable prove?

2.       What can be real functional capabilities of gods?

3.       What can be the structural aspects of gods?

4.       What are real logics of those educations, informations which are claimed to be from divine gods?

5.       Why the same seems gods among religions have different set of properties? Especially when basic structure of education (ethics, book, messenger, and god etc) of all religions is almost same then why gods & characteristics of gods are different?

6.       What is in real the interactional designs and mutual matrix of interaction among creator (if gods) and creatures?

7.       What are those areas where human in real is dependent on concept of gods and why?

8.       What are pros and corns in real associated with concept of gods in any ways?

9.       Why the concept of shatins (evil-power) etc is present & always in opposite-responsive to gods as claimed by diversity of religions, why not such force get appeared into scientific concept of creator, designer, center of consciousness etc ? What is role of mind energy with environmental interactions etc and body powers in creation of such positive and negative energies? Even when brain sciences discover many new centers responsible for many things….plz note that Chaos also have some orders, it can be re-shaper but not destructive power over all.

10.   Why everything which is not in-compliance with educations of religions automatically fall under the circle of evil? Same repetition in every social systems based on divine powers?

11.   The basic philosophy of almost all religions education toward the relation of gods and creatures in shape of venom/anti-venom kind of treatment can be consider a wise divine concepts by the said creator of whole universe? Or creature body lives are designed / circled around against such key law of creation? Human mind evoluted by religions or religions education evoluted by human consciousness at Earth every time? What is reality?

12.   What is the logic of that “divine” education and rulings which generates the practical trends that ultimately resist scientific development of human by Creation of Creativity Resistance Factors?

13.   Why the concepts of gods are only specified with humans among all the creatures at earth?

14.   Why gods are always remaining away from their appearance & presence by anyways at earth? Or if appeared in symbolic forms, still in both cases they are dependent for such acts indirectly only on intelligent creature like Human?

15.   What can be a most suitable and standard of set of parameters, powers etc which a god can have? And along which minimum and maximum ranges to run all that for which it claimed? Any scientific study or any religious study by any religion on it?

16.   If the concept of god is not the production of human mind only then what are the probability that some other intelligent creatures (Aliens) do also have gods? And we humans are not residing in a “Cosmulator”?

17.   Do at present quantum shifts, and quantum entanglements can be consider enough & significant to describe many fears-base & none-realistic-illusions of pattern recognition by human mind in shape and concepts of many things for self-protection and to fulfill its endless desire to attain max height of Pleasure & Satisfaction?

Any other point you want to add?

Plz note: This cluster question is just to gain knowledge & for learning purpose, Its not a competition to prove any concept of god(s) better than other or presence or none presence of such entity etc, it’s just to extract and summarize the supposed, said, claimed concepts of gods with mechanisms and its comparison with reality of NOW, specifically to access that what were the impacts of such concepts and what were the real human need, is there any gap in both, if so then why and what can be solution for more productive, creative and progressive living.

Thanks for your input.

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