"Wishes are thought base and Endless. How they create much more than expectations in diversity of direction and serve as a unique driving force among creatures? Why thoughts go beyond imagination sometimes? What are its basis and how we can figure it out more? Perhaps, here we find that Satisfaction and Pleasure Factor are the strongest motivational force along illusion of free-will specifically over to functionality of human and its diversity of natural, social, physical, mental aspect etc. In philosophy, science and arts everywhere it play a vital role in formation of mindset and policies....."
Anyhow there are few questions to go deep inside for further understanding about maximum height/extreme of satisfaction and pleasure (S&P);
1. What can be the maximum extreme of any kind of satisfaction and pleasure (S&P) via eyes of science?
2. Do it varies and relative with intensity & power of creative wish?
3. How we can calculate objectively and subjectively the levels of satisfaction and pleasure?
4. Is wish work under the demand of it or S&P is doing work under the command of wish?
5. Do S&P have some relation with capability of Survival and functional aspect of creatures?
6. How much is the contribution of S&P we can judge in development of society and mythologies?
7. What can be different types of S&P?
8. Does Quantum Matrix of Brain focus this aspect of S&P via some brain centre or specific protein production?
9. What can the best practically available (Social) models to describe the normal functioning levels of S&P in the Chaos S&P production?
10. Do creatures need SOPs for beneficial level range of Satisfaction & Pleasure?
11. Do evolution of Ethics and Mythologies have some link with S&P factor?
12. Any other point you want to add?
Article Maximum Extreme of Satisfaction & Pleasure in Science: Is Ev...