Evolutions bring changes in prior existing set of biologics. Here few points require more deep understandings (Kindly select the best suitable options for best understandings)
1. Evolution is pre programed
2. Evolution is programs by current environment & ecosystem
3. Evolution is programed by organism itself
4. Evolution is instant process and never programmed
1. Evolution always yield a desired organism
2. Evolution always yield a perfect organism
3. Evolution always yield a desired & perfect organism
4. Evolution always yield a desired and perfect organism with reference to current environmental & ecosystem
Resistance & Support
1. Natural set of logic and consciousness support evolution
2. Natural set of logic and consciousness resist evolution
3. Natural set of logic and consciousness play some role in evolution & modification
4. Evolution is independent from any role of Natural set of logic and consciousness
1. Evolution is desired phenomenon for sustainable life at Earth
2. Evolution is desired phenomenon for sustainable Energy Vacuum as well
3. Evolution is just understanding of human brain otherwise it’s just an intermediate steps during creation
4. Evolution is like an amendment in pre-defined set of life.
Few More
1. Evolution is the key to survive in future
2. Modification and evolution is the way to implement Biologic over to natural set of logics
3. Evolution is successful only when ecosystems also do evoluted along.
Any other point if you wish to add, you may add; Now the Questions are that;
Do creatures need Acquired Evolution, if Yes then Why and if NO then Why not?
Which factor is more powerful to ignite the process of sustainable evolution, Environment or Genetics?
What is the difference between Controlled Evolution & Genetic Engineering? Do evolution only specify for Biological material or none biological material can also undergo it?
Do we need to see the evolution with reference to Quantum Biophysics as well?
Do the definition of any Modern-age Evolution will remain the Time-Dependent as the pre-modern age evolution is considered as based on thousand etc of years?
Do in future human need evolution for better survival into space/cosmos
What can be suitable design for any future evolution?
Is evolution a way out for biologics to effect the logics in cosmos?